It seems that no matter which world it is, although the identities of netizens are different, the sand sculpture belongs to

Sex is the same.

Maybe the animation in this world started relatively late, and it is far less diverse than the previous life.

, but the attention of the fans is astonishingly the same.

They can always perfectly circumvent the author's original bag, and accurately find among many elements.

to the correct answer.

This Nima makes people speechless~!

Fangzheng was very curious why these fans' eyes were always so unique.

As if he didn't know why he became so skinny.


* Comes in 1"

Hearing the knock on the door of the office, Fang Zheng closed the forum and said to the door.

"Fang Dong, the preparations for the animation carnival are almost done, look at what you have left.

No? "

Zhang Siyu walked in with a set of documents, wondering if it was Fangzheng's illusion.

The smile on the corner of Zhang Siyu's mouth always felt a little malicious.

In fact, Fangzheng's hunch was correct, and Zhang Siyu did have bad intentions.

Since the last time he knew that Fangzheng didn't like to browse files, Zhang Siyu seemed to have discovered it.

In the New World, some documents are sent to Fangzheng every day.

There are more and more documents, this is not fixed, and Fangzheng is not sure whether Zhang Siyu is wrong or not.


And this is precisely what Zhang Siyu is brilliant at.

I'm not sure if this is work or if I'm trying to piss him off on purpose.

Zhang Siyu still remembers that after the completion of the project, Fang Zheng wanted to check

Those engineering reports have a bitter face almost every day, especially the pair of panda eyes


During that time, Zhang Siyu couldn't stand Fang Zheng anymore. After all, every time Fang Zheng

Seeing her, the resentful eyes were too real.

But angry at Fangzheng's wooden head, Zhang Siyu began to deliberately from there.

Send documents to Fangzheng.

Things that could have been expressed orally were also sent in documents.

Sure enough, Fang Zheng saw that Zhang Siyu came in with another set of documents, and his face was upright.

Horses have changed.

If he could, he would rather stay up all night to make animations, and for documents, he really

It's a little bit bearable now.

Which bastard invented the text report or something, don't let me know,

Otherwise, I will dig all your ancestral graves for you!

Fangzheng thought fiercely in his heart that if he didn't have the documents, he wouldn't have to suffer this.

Sin 7.

"Is this 5. pieces? 2"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng's face full of reluctance, and tried his best to think about it.

Have the urge to laugh, lest you reveal your flaws.

You must know that Fangzheng is a chicken thief. He is like a fox on weekdays.

If he doesn't pay attention, he will notice even if he shows such a stray horse.

"Fang Dong, this is the preparation work before the animation carnival, such as the handover during the festival.

Communication problems, accommodation problems, security problems, etc. are all here, please take a look at Fangzheng

With a gentle smile on Zhang Siyu's face, he placed the document 'ring' in the square.

On the desk in front of the front.


Hearing the sound of 'brewing', Fang Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

With so many files, he is afraid that he will be disgusted to death~

"I can trust you, I won't read these documents, just tell me roughly.


Looking at Fang Zheng's embarrassed smile, Zhang Siyu slowly shook his head.

"Which line is this, what I said is not accurate in written records, you still have to go through it yourself.

Let's take a look, otherwise, if there is any omission, there will be a big problem~"

Although Zhang Sishi didn't show his face, his heart was already happy.

Let you run to Qin Fanjin all day long, and let you always be alone in the same room!

Zhang Siyu also knew from Yang Li that Fangzheng most 490 would go to Qin Sufang every day, and

And he always drove away other people and stayed in a room alone with Qin Fanmei.

Who knows if these lonely men and beautiful women, dry wood and fire, they will miss their guns.

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