In this regard, whether it is Zhang Siyu, Yang Li, or Chen Xianting, they are all tense in their hearts.


To say which of the three of them is not the most beautiful, which one is worse than Qin Donglin?

Isn't Qin Senmei just one or two years younger than them?

Can't you just sing and dance?

It is unreasonable for a woman to be jealous, Zhang Si Shi took the lead, including Yang Li and Chen Ru

Including Ting, the three women temporarily abandoned their former hatred and formed an alliance, which has been outside.

Strictly guard against it, absolutely cannot let that yellow-haired girl from Qin Donghe succeed in stealing!

Regarding Fangzheng's actions, although Zhang Siyu has the character of a strong woman, she has always wanted to

Ben naturally felt angry about Fang Zheng's approach to Qin Susu.

This is also the reason why she always likes to make Fang Zheng 'unhappy' when she has something to do.

My little revenge~

Fang Zheng didn't know anything about Zhang Siyu's thoughts.

He didn't even know that if he went to learn a dance, there would be such serious consequences...

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! 1 !!

| Bar | Three

Chapter [-] An inexplicable idea (seeking support)

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng very reluctantly, but finally picked up the document

, I feel inexplicably very refreshing

It's like pouring a cone of cold beer in the dog days

The pores are all open, and the ball is like a fairy.

Zhang Siyu knows how much effort Fangzheng has spent to prepare for this animation carnival

Blood, I also know the things that are related to the animation carnival, Fangzheng is definitely very careful

It is no exaggeration to say that since the establishment of Company A, [-]% of the accumulated

The source is all invested in this animation carnival.

The animation carnival is definitely the first step for Fangzheng to develop his two-dimensional empire.

Got half wrong.

So Zhang Siyu knew that Fang Zheng would definitely read these documents no matter how reluctant he was.

And the development of things is completely according to her script, Fang Zheng did pick up the text

However, the next moment, Zhang Siyu's eyes froze.

Fang Zheng picked up the first document, then raised his hand and threw the document to her face.

In front of him, while he is over a Erlang's leg, holding it in his hand is still steaming



Fang Zhengzheng simply spit out a word, and then leaned on the boss's stall.

Wen's eyes closed and started drinking tea.

As the saying goes, one foot high is one foot high, but the devil is one foot high.

For Zhang Siyu's revengeful thoughts, he has long noticed that if this is

If you don't fight back, the other party thinks that he is easy to bully.

Get rid of it, I'm a Pipi shrimp, not a soft-footed shrimp. I've never been the only one who cheated on others. I haven't

There is someone who can fool him.

Zhang Siyu was accustomed to looking at Fang Zheng's sitting posture like a big landlord.

The legendary area where Yilai stretches out his hand to eat and open his mouth is only a cigarette away.

"Why don't you read it, don't be in a daze~

For a long time, Fang Zheng couldn't hear Zhang Siyu's voice for a long time, and he opened his eyes and saw Zhang Siyu's voice.

Siyu's eyes stared blankly at himself, as if he had lost his soul

Baby, can't I cure you?

"You can't be illiterate, right? "?" Fang Zheng looked at the other party with an exaggerated expression, followed by

That is, patted his forehead.

"It's over, it's over, the general manager I personally recruited is illiterate.

What a shame to go~"

Zhang Siyu watched Fang Zheng's exaggerated performance, gnashing his teeth in his pupils, and was executed.

Where the public table blocked the view, a pair of tender white hands were tightly held together, as if they were about to follow.

It felt like a punch to Fangzheng.

She had seen it today, what it means to be shameless and invincible.

I, Zhang Siyu, have been working as a cow and a horse for you for more than half a year. I can get up every day.

I'm earlier than a chicken, I sleep later than a dog, you don't know if I can read or not~!!


Zhang Siyu took a few deep breaths, barely suppressed the anger in his heart, and then gave it to Fang Zheng.

With a hygienic eye, he reluctantly picked up the documents on the table.

Zhang Siyu wanted to cry but had no tears, was he shooting himself in the foot?

On the other side, Fang Zheng was called by Zhang Siyu's hygiene eye, and he was used to seeing it on weekdays.

The side of the other side's strong woman, this suddenly a charming white eye, is really a bit embarrassing


No, think about this woman!!

Inexplicably, Fang Zheng suddenly had such a terrifying thought in his heart.

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