Strive to step into the grave of marriage as soon as possible, and then give birth to a strengthening company!!

Fang Zheng was even thinking if he wanted to host a blind date during the anime carnival.

Yes, because it is very much in his 'interest'.

Because you see, young people who come to the animation carnival must like it to some extent

The second dimension, if they can get married and have offspring.

Then their children will definitely be exposed to the second dimension from a young age under their parents' ball pottery.

In this way, maybe nothing can be seen in a short time, but the potential audience of company A will expand

A lot.

"emm~ This is a good idea, I'll plan it in a while~

When Fang Zheng thought of his fans from being a personal fan to a big fan, he couldn't help but feel

Somewhat tempted.

"Fang Dong, what's good?"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng suspiciously. She always felt that Fang Zheng was thinking about something wrong at this time.

s things.

"Ah Yuha, nothing, keep going!

Fang Zheng let out a haha ​​and opened up the topic.

He can never say that he is no longer satisfied with the current fan audience, he has already begun to count

Count the next generation of the family~

If this is said, it is estimated that Zhang Siyu will call the uniform's uncle directly.


"What, are the dry wood and tents in the south of the wild camping park all right?


Although Zhang Siyu knew that Fang Zheng was diverting the topic, since Fang Zheng was reluctant to say it,

She didn't ask much.

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, she replied directly.

"The "Shake Electric Camping" theme park has been approved by the Liu family of Tianhao Outdoor Products Co., Ltd.

Yun Liu is the general contractor, and their company is solely responsible for it. "

Tianhao Outdoor Products Co., Ltd. is the first company in China to start the brand effect of domestic outdoor products.

Enterprise, can be described as one step to the sky.

Moreover, Fangzheng also heard from the grapevine that Liu Jiayun also received support from above.

Know if it's true or false.

However, as the exclusive sponsor of "Shake Electric Camping", Liu Jiayun's vision is definitely

An accurate and ruthless horse, even Fang Zheng admires the other party.

0…' ask for flowers

Liu Jiayun found him personally and said that he would contract the theme outdoor park of "Shake Electric Camping"

, Fang Zheng thought about it a little and agreed to the other party.

In the first five years, the profit will be divided into [-]%, and after five years, it will be divided into [-]%, Founder [-]%

Fang Seven.

Liu Jiayun also agreed to this profit sharing. After all, company A is also building this theme park.

He has invested a lot of money, and he can accept [-] to [-] percent of the first five years.

But for Liu Jiayun, Fangzheng also has his own requirements, that is, the ""

Shake Worm Camping" theme outdoor park must give priority to the activities organized by A company.

He didn't want the theme park he worked so hard to build to end up being a group of old ladies dancing

A place for square dancing.

And now, since Liu Jiayun has contracted the park, everything Fangzheng just said

Liu Jiayun thought about all the questions himself, and he just had to wait for the money.

"For other security issues, I have obtained the consent of the relevant departments, and the other party has also

Will actively cooperate with us, from traffic to guiding the crowd, the other party will send people over. "

Zhang Siyu himself knows the importance of the safety of such large-scale gatherings.

Yes, in this animation carnival, nothing is more important, even if it is square

Neither does the series of activities that are being prepared.

Human life always comes first, as we all know.

"And the security team and on-site staff hired by our company will also go through the same

Short-term training for relevant departments, so that they can learn systematically in order to cope with the situation at any time

possible emergencies. "

Fangzheng nodded slowly. It would be great if he could go through systematic training.

Greatly reduce the probability of emergencies.

Later, Zhang Siyu reported some other things to Fangzheng, which made his mouth dry.

to finish all the things.

Fang Zheng stretched out comfortably, then got up from the chair and walked to the office

in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Looking at Zhu Yuan, who had changed a lot outside, through the glass, his heart was filled with pride.

"This is all Jiangshan that Teng has laid down a little bit~"

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! ! !

| voice | also

Chapter [-]: On June [-]st, the carnival begins (<for support)

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