June [-]st is Children's Day. In addition to children being happy today, there is also a group

Body very excited.

"Welcome to take this train. The terminal station, Magic City, has arrived. This train sincerely reminds you

Wake up, today's animation carnival held by company A has been hotly opened. Dear passengers

Friends, please don't miss it. "

At Modu Station, a train slowly stopped on the platform, and the original white body was on this

Shi also got a tattoo, with a lot of two-dimensional anime characters posted on it.

At the same time, the broadcast inside the train also introduced the animation carnival that just started today to passengers.


It can be seen that Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu have invested in the promotion of the animation carnival.

"Oh hoho, anime carnival here I come 1!!"

"Mother, wait left and right, the old man finally waited until today, it's worth it for me to be a week earlier

Just book a ticket~”

"Three-one-seven" buddy, are you also here to participate in the animation carnival?"

"Otherwise, look at my clothes~

rise? ,

, from 1 ,

The platform was covered with passengers who had just come off the train, a large part of which were

Young people, the clothes they wear are also strange to ordinary people.

However, in the eyes of the comrades who are also two-dimensional, the clothes around this fan are them

A symbol of friendship.

Maybe the stranger standing in front of you who has never met before is the one who used to be with you

All in, or someone who raises the bar with you and makes you half-dead

A lever.

Leaving the platform, as soon as the flow of people entered the hall of the Modu Station, the crowd instantly exploded.

There was a murmur of coaxing.

Without him, Guangdu Station has become too unfamiliar.

The walls and the pillars of the hall are covered with anime posters, but they do not give people a miscellaneous feeling.

The chaotic feeling, on the contrary, has a feeling of getting better and better, and the more you look at it, the more addictive you are.

Apparently, even the posters posted here were specially designed, otherwise they wouldn't

achieve this effect.

In addition, except for several sides in the hall, the fluids showing the departure time of the train and the number of the trains are displayed.

Crystal screen and others are playing animation promotional videos.

"Welcome to the magic city for tourists, because the animation carnival has begun, so the car

There are too many people coming and going, and I am deeply offensive to the dissatisfaction it brings to you. "

"New arrivals, please take note, if you are coming to the Anime Carnival, please go east

At the station entrance, there are special bus lines and taxis directly to Zhuyuan. "

"Attention new arrivals..."

The clear sound of the announcement echoed in the hall, guiding those who came to the animation carnival.

How tourists find the right route.

"I control, I heard right, it's actually Tianyi Guixia?"

"Brother, you heard it right, it's true that the heaven will return~

"Fang Da has really made a lot of money, and even Tian Yizhao has released it to guide tourists~


"233~ I have a hunch that this station may be on fire hahaha~"

As the first station to use the Tianyi voice line as a broadcast, there is indeed a trend of fire.

There are already many people in the hall taking out their mobile phones and taking pictures and sending them to the circle of friends.

Many people even tried to verify whether the broadcast just now was their favorite Tian Yi Zhaoxia.

, and also specifically went to the field staff to ask.

Naturally, the result is that Tianyi is violent, because this is also a propaganda method of Fangzheng.

Moreover, Tianyi's popularity is very high as the virtual ambassador of A company.

Although it is not necessarily comparable to Fang Zheng himself, it is definitely far more than the official blogger of Club A.

Letting Tianyi to guide tourists on the one hand is to increase publicity efforts, and on the other hand, it is also to rely on Tianyi

Popularity to appease tourists, lest tourists make any outrageous behavior.

Judging from the situation at the station, with the participation of Tianyi, those who came to participate in the animation carnival

The order of tourists is obviously much better than the previous carnival.

People followed the instructions of the on-site personnel and waited patiently to leave one by one.

Of course, these are only for those who are willing to take buses and taxis, if you are

The locals of Modu, or maybe you have friends from Modu to pick you up.

Even if you are traveling by car, you don't have to wait at the station at all, you can go straight

Picked up and left, and drove to Zhu Yuan by himself.

Having learned the lessons from the past, Fang Zheng has also put a lot of effort into this traffic.

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