, not only sent a batch of Jin Xin’s buses from the Magic City Bus Company for free, but also specially told the

Fang Duo sent some vehicles over.

So this time, there is no large-scale stay of tourists at the station. The public bus outside

The delivery of the car is sufficient, once it is full of tourists, it will start directly to go to Zhuyuan 0.…

In addition to buses, some people choose taxis on the side.

Although the taxi price is more expensive, if you share a car with other people, the price will be higher.

It's still within the reach of many people.

"I control, this is the pain car version of the bus that was circulated on the Internet before, right?"

"It's so handsome, I really hope we can have such a bus there."

"I come from a small fourth-tier city and my eyes are full of beauty~

"Do you think this idea was proposed by Fang Da?"

"Brother, although you may be angry if you say that, but I still want to say, are you

Jian Zhi, besides Fang Da, can you think of a second person for this idea?"

"...well, I'm an idiot!

At the entrance of the station, whether you know each other or not, the atmosphere is very harmonious.

After all, the people waiting for the car here are all like-minded comrades-in-arms.

Although everyone's favorite anime tastes may be different, they are all in the same circle after all.

, I can add a word or two to the topic that the other party likes more or less, it will not be very Xu Xu


As the passengers boarded in an orderly manner, the bus started slowly.

The tourists who took the Modu bus for the first time looked at everything around them with novelty, whether it was a public transport

The decoration on the inside of the delivery car is still a pain car running in the same direction on the street outside. They look big.


Compared with the bus, the car modification of the private car is more abundant and diverse, only you want to

There is nothing you can't see.

Watching the 3.8 cars with different styles speeding up the street, many tourists

All are jealous.

In the past, when people saw vehicles on the street, they might subconsciously identify each other's cars.

Mark to see if you can't afford a series in your lifetime.

But it's different now, no one pays attention to each other for the pain cars on these streets

If you have a luxury car, I only care about your car modification.

The pain car modification that changed from the previous than car logo to the contrast pile is even more amazing, less

A touch of snobbery and vanity, with a touch of gentleness and fun.

PS: Thanks to the month of "131...91", "Flying Selection", *155...25", "One Punch Shaved"

Ticket support, thank you guys!!!

I beg the big guys for more support, and please! ! ! .

Division | Bar | Three

Chapter [-] Temporary anchor of a club (seeking support)

At the same time, at the headquarters of Zhu Yuan A, Fang Zheng stood in the conference room and looked at the young people in front of him.

The light men and women nodded in satisfaction.

Chang Ran's last anime carnival was not very successful in Fangzheng's opinion, but it gave him

Lots of experience.

Just like the previous anime carnival, he didn't realize he was looking for some outdoor

The host came to live broadcast all of a sudden, and finally saw the live broadcast of other live broadcast platforms.

Realize that I overlooked the question.

Therefore, this time, Fangzheng plans to temporarily add an

Under the live broadcast function, it is convenient for fans who cannot come to watch.

Not every fan of Bi Zhang has time to come to Modu to participate in the animation carnival, Fang Zheng

I believe that there must be many people who are forced by life and studies, and missed this two-dimensional carnival

For these people, Fangzheng has no bed, so he can't let people give up the present for the sake of the second dimension.

Real life.

Therefore, Fangzheng plans to hire some anchors to share the joy of animation on his own platform.

Heren's popularity and some interesting actions, so that fans who can't come can also have

a bit

"I have prepared the equipment for you, you will set off in a while, alone

It's okay, you can bring your own assistant, I don't care about these, I just ask you to bring your own

Do you want to share the activities you think are interesting?

Fang Zheng looked at several young men and women in the conference room and had to say that the industry of anchors really

Some of them looked at their faces, at least the few people in front of Fangzheng were all handsome men and women.


Hearing the other party's answer, Fang Zheng nodded with satisfaction, and finally exhorted: '

Where can live broadcast and where can not live broadcast, you go to ask the staff at the scene, they

I will answer you, and then just pay attention to safety, go for it~

After speaking, Fang Zheng looked at the backs of several people, and turned around to leave.

He is also very human.

He prepared a big surprise for the fans who came to the scene today.

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