You have to take care of it when you come down, otherwise it will be meaningless.

Surprise surprise, surprise first and then surprise, right?

There are two flowers blooming, one for each watch, and several outdoor anchors temporarily hired by Fangzheng received A

After the equipment prepared by the agency for them, under the leadership of Chen Weozing, they left the headquarters of agency A.


"Sister Chen, goodbye~"


Chen Xianting watched several outdoor anchors leave, shook her head and didn't care.

What effect can be broadcast live depends on their own abilities. When the carnival is over, these people will

How much salary can be received also depends on whether the personal live broadcast is successful enough.

In this regard, Fang Zheng treats everyone equally.

"Let's break up first~"

Seeing that Chen Xianting was gone, several anchors discussed it and decided to act separately.

To put it bluntly, everyone is a competitor of this event, it is inconvenient to be together, nor

Shen Xiyao is one of the streamers who was temporarily recruited. She was originally an anchor.

A well-known anchor, usually likes to live broadcast games, especially FPS games.

However, because of the high competition pressure in this industry, the popularity has been very sluggish.

So when the staff of company A contacted her, Shen Xiyao answered without saying a word

should come down.

Anyway, my own live broadcast career is high or low, and I also like the second one very much.

Dimension, so I agreed.

On the other hand, Shen Xiyao also wanted to use this opportunity to attract a wave to herself.

Popularity, after all, the popularity of the animation carnival is obvious to all.

Although Company A did not restrict outdoor anchors from other platforms to live broadcast this anime carnival

, but compared to the live broadcast room of the A company platform, Shen Xiyao believes that she is still very talented

have advantage of.

The beginning is definitely the chosen person, but how to broadcast interesting content next is just a matter of

Look at her own.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Xiyao turned on her device. She didn't find an assistant.

Completely alone.

Although this is a bit tiring, the victory is freedom.

"Hello everyone, I'm Biao Yao, the temporary anchor of the A company platform. Today, the animation carnival opens.

From now on, you can see that there are quite a lot of people at the scene..."

Shen Xiyao turned on the live broadcast device, and then greeted the camera, she did not go

Looking at the number of her backstage, she is afraid of affecting her live broadcast mood. In addition, she has no such

Take a look at it.

"Wow, what a beautiful lady

"No, when my big A club has a live broadcast?

"It is estimated that it was temporarily added for the purpose of live broadcast of animation training nianhua, and the other party said it just now.

, he is only a temporary anchor

"This is a crowded, crowded rhythm, I don't want to go at all, really

I don't want to go at all!

"Don't pretend upstairs, the old man smells sour.

-If it wasn't for my old makeup to give birth, the old man must have gone to 7, no, wait until we meet next year

Go home!"

In Shen Erzai's live broadcast room, the number of barrages gradually increased, but everyone only started paying attention

Aside from Shen Erli, Jane spent most of her time on the scene

Bi Zhang For the two-dimensional fans, this time the animation carnival is their

place of dreams

Shen Xili didn't know that as soon as she started broadcasting, the popularity of the live broadcast room had already surpassed her

The total popularity of the live broadcast is usually sold.

850 is less popular, which means that you don't need to be so restrained or worried.

If there is any trouble, it is more free.

Therefore, Shen Erbiao also casually spends her time at the animation scene, while broadcasting live.

While going to experience the projects she saw, these consumptions are all paid for by company A, she only

Live streaming is enough.

Shen Eryao walked aimlessly, and the first stop came to the giant in front of the headquarters of the A company.

big square

On the square is a landmark building of company A, the statue of Tian Yishuai.

No matter how many times you look at it, it's really beautiful, especially at the fountain

Below the level, she was like a fairy, firmly attracting Shen Erkai's attention.

"This is the statue under Tianyi's anus that everyone is very concerned about. By the way, Ben

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