People are out-of-print cuddlers one day according to Zhao, and they spend three nights together every day~

Shen Xi spoke to the camera with a bit of confidence.

"...out of print throw pillows?! 1

"Is the anchor a little rich guy 7"

/It's sour! This time it's really sour! 1

"I'm talking, why do I think I have a tendency to become a Lemon Model?

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! ! !

| voice | also

Chapter [-] What did I see"! (For support)

Shen Xiyao didn't know that the Tianyi pillow she got by chance in a lottery was used by many people.

All kinds of beauty, she herself is still walking aimlessly on the street.

To be honest, Shen Xili is a little bitter, there are too many interesting activities in the animation carnival.

Now, she herself doesn't know where to start.

Suddenly, Shen Xiyao seemed to see some treasures, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Don't worry about it now, isn't this a very interesting and novel activity?


"What happened to the anchor?"

"See your brother?

"Wow, run slower, can you pay attention to your camera?

"Don't shake! Don't shake! I get motion sickness!

Because of Shen Erli's running, the audience in the live broadcast room, and the net's seventy-sixth, one

almost exploded on the spot

Fortunately, Shen Erli quickly noticed this problem, and she looked at Zhu Tou with a faint expression on her face.

Red, I don't know if it's because I'm embarrassed, or because I was running hot just now.

"Sorry, I forgot about you."

Shen Eryao stuck out her tongue, looking embarrassed, then raised her head to look at the limit.

The shop in front of him had a look of impatience in his eyes.

"But don't blame me, it's because this store is too tempting, I'm too excited! ,

Listening to Shen Lili's words, the audience was speechless.

You are an anchor, you actually forgot your live broadcast room?!

This is the first time they have seen such a responsible anchor.

Sure enough, as expected of the person that Pippi was looking for, this character is a big one.

But soon, the water friends in the live broadcast room were attracted by Shen Xiyao's words.

Xiu Yun made Jing Neng so attractive, and Jutiao asked Deputy Shen to remember his Erkuo's identity.


Shen Eryao seemed to know the thoughts of the audience in the live broadcast room, and turned the camera in her hand.

She didn't go directly to shoot the rare store next to her, but aimed at the comings and goings on the street.

the crowd

"I contact, what's the matter? . People?"

"Fujin clothes? No, no, no, no, if it's fan clothes, this is also Cai Kua

Zhang, I can't wear it at all~"

"I usually wear it like this, I'm sure I'll be beaten to death by my mother!"

"It was Yume Hoshino who took the photo over there~"

"Why do I actually see evil spirits wearing armor in reality, can you believe it?"

"emm~ Am I the only one who thinks Lao Gu is domineering?"

The audience followed Shen Xiyao's camera and saw more and more people dressed in different clothes.

The same characters, most of them are familiar anime characters.

The level of dress up is high and low, and some people know it is fake at a glance, obviously pretending to be fake.

Dress up.

But some are very realistic, just like the one the audience saw just now pretending to be a star

Wild dreams of beautiful girls, whether it is the makeup on their faces or the clothes, are really with them

Same as seen in the anime.

No wonder so many people are looking for a photo with that girl, if they were there, they would too

To ask for a photo.

But it's a pity.. They can only enjoy eye addiction through the live screen, after all, in life

There is too much helplessness, they can't give up everything to pursue what they like.

Shen Xiyao also knows the truth of selling a good deal in moderation, if it is too much, it will attract viewers.

public resentment.

So Shen Xiyao turned the device in her hand and pointed it at the store next to her.

Through the lens, it can be found that many people are dressed in fancy clothes and dressed up as various anime characters.

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