The cool breeze on her thighs, and Cheer Huang has no stockings, which makes her even more

A little embarrassed.

"Is this skirt a little too short?"

Shen Xiyao pressed the hem of her skirt with her hands, and looked at the clerk to the side with embarrassment.

"Don't worry, it won't go away, you're wearing safety pants inside~

The clerk also knew what Shen Xiyao was worried about, and immediately explained with a smile.

"This safety pants was also invented by Fang Dong?"

Shen Xiyao breathed a sigh of relief, if the clerk hadn't reminded her, she would have forgotten that she was still wearing safety gear.

Full pants, after all, this is the first time she has seen it.

"Yes, and according to the gossip, these safety pants are part of Dong Fang's next work.

product, and Fang Dong seems to be interested in this thing, and he has applied for a patent and registered

trademark. "

Shen Xiyao looked at the clerk dumbfounded, she didn't know how she should complain.

"Hahaha, Fang Dong's first-life fame is ruined!!"

"I don't know if Fang Dong will fire the clerk when he sees this live broadcast~"

"233~Women's Friend Fangda?"

"Inventing safety pants, Fang Da, you are fighting against fellow men all over the world.

Do not?"

"Damn safety pants, Fang Da, I hate you!!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room didn't care about the [-], and heard that Fangzheng actually invented the safety agency.

The most annoying thing about this thing is that it has to apply for patents and trademarks, which is outrageous.

The water friends in the live broadcast room swiped "Friends of Women" and "Public Enemies of Men" on the screen,

Tucao is directly full.

And Shen Xiyao finally held back, considering that Fangzheng was his father after all.

No ranting.

Afterwards, Shen Xiyao waited for a while, and under the guidance of the makeup artist, she brought another

Color pupils, and foundation again. After an hour, I finally got it.

Shen Xiyao walked in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, turned around in front of the mirror, and was pleasantly surprised to find that she

Chelsea's cosplay has been restored to a very high degree.

Although there is still such a small gap with the original character, but that is because the dimension is not


Especially the eyes of the second dimension, the proportions of their faces are seriously inconsistent.

If real people wear the big eyes of a pair of two-dimensional beauties, then don't die

A group of people~

These are innate decisions, not man-made, if you remove these innate

The shortcomings of Shen Xiyao's Cos have been very successful.

This can be seen from the reactions of the water friends in the live broadcast room.

0 people and os

"I control, cut sister? 1 "

"If the old man hadn't seen it from the beginning, he probably wouldn't have recognized it.

I have it = "

"It's too similar, it's too similar~!"

"The anchor's body is so good that it explodes. What should I do if I have some sleazy thoughts?"

"Upstairs, I'm too cheap, this is my sister-in-law's wife~"

"Cough, Qiemei's head has been put back again?"

, "'re a beast, right? Shenta Ma'an is back, so shut up if you can't speak?

Watching Chen Xiyao's cos' Cheer bitter, the water friends in the live broadcast room boiled for a while, especially

Shen Xiyao was still wearing a short skirt that was half-hidden and lethal to men.

The red hair is like Chelsea's character, lively, hot, and a lot of water.

When you saw this scene, you were reminded of the lovely girl who died in such a miserable way.

"This... what are the brothers thinking at this time 7"

"Think of what you want."

"I thought of a certain Pippi shrimp."

"What kind of riddles are you playing? It's right to scold Fangzheng, that dog thief!!"

"Isn't my sister cute? Why are you so cruel to her?!"

"Fangzheng's thief shows his conscience, and now he is so angry when he thinks about it, so many girls,

Just every one with good results~

"Crazy Red" is an eternal pain for these fans.

With the appearance of cute, cute, arrogant, or cold girls, he

We shouted one by one wife.

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