The results of it?

The front foot also called the wife's wife to be affectionate, and the next second his wife was stabbed.

Moreover, the death of his wives is more tragic than each other. This is really not the worst, only

There are worse.

Girl abuse, Fangzheng is professional!!

Shen Xiyao didn't know that her cos evoked some bad memories for water friends, let alone

Knowing that Fangzheng was added for no reason because of his Cos.

She knows she's been stuck at the cosplay shop too long and she has to go as soon as possible

next place

Although she also wants to play, the main problem at the moment is how to keep the live broadcast.

The question of how the audience increases their popularity!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! ! !

| voice | also

Chapter [-] Planetarium, the place where dreams begin (for support)

"Cosplay? Is it still possible to play like this?

"It's beyond my imagination, how big Fang's brain is, this kind of idea can be

figure it out. "

"Grandma's, originally Min Mu's beasts who went to the scene, now watch Cosplay

What do you want to do more?"

"It seems to have taken a group photo with those big guys!!!"

Fans in the live broadcast room watched through Shen Xiyao's camera and saw Coser everywhere on the street,

They were so envious of them that they wished they could put their wings on them and fly over immediately.

Shen Xiyao herself is also a cos sister, and she continued to live broadcast all the way, seeing anything along the way.

You can actually experience the activities you want, and then share your feelings and experiences with you.

Shen Xiyao thought that she was introducing the animation carnival to those water friends who couldn't come.

All kinds of activities are "five zero zero", but fans feel that Shen Xiyao is naked and dazzling


Watching the activities that make them excited, but they can only watch but not play

, not to mention how bad this mood is.

I want to grit my teeth and leave this live broadcast room that makes them sad, but I am afraid of missing something.

Such an interesting thing, one by one, all tangled up on the public screen.

Shen Xiyao is still ignorant of the fans' psychology, but she enjoys it a little bit.


At first she knew how to interact with fans, but as time went on, fans

I found that this anchor seems to have completely forgotten about his live broadcast, and has been completely immersed in this

among many activities.

"…Anchor wake up, you wake up! "

"Hey, hey, you're an anchor, not a tourist, understand what I mean~"

"It's over, it's over, this anchor has completely fallen!"

"Is this anime carnival really so magical?"

"Is there any magic power? You don't know what the anchor looks like now?"

The water friends in the live broadcast room have already started to fry the pot and expressed their strong feelings for Shen Xiyao's actions

condemnation and envy

They also really want to go to the anime carnival!!

Shen Xiyao went round and round all the way, and she couldn't take the things on her body for a long time.

But fortunately, company A has taken this into consideration in advance. At the animation carnival, there are

Special staff are responsible for helping tourists transport and temporarily store purchased items.

And the most intimate thing is that tourists do not need to store it themselves, only one

Call, a special staff will come to pick up the items, and then take them to the storage point for safekeeping

stand up.

In this way, it will not affect the experience of tourists, but also save time. This move of company A

won the favor of many tourists.

I have to say that Fang is doing everything he can to make money.

It all depends on the fact that you are on the way to buy, buy and buy, without delaying tourists' money


And Shen Xiyao came all the way to one of the highlights of this animation carnival held by A company

It is also a place that many people must go to when they come to Zhu Yuan.


Knowing that the fans of Club A are no strangers to the Planetarium, Fang Zheng relied on "

Chang Nayu) won the title of the best creator of the year, earning his first place

Kim please.

It can be said that because of the success of "Dream of the Stars", Fangzheng has the capital to create Club A,

Therefore, many fans have an absolute favorable impression of this anime.

"Dream of the Stars" is the first work of company A, although it is very tearful and depressing,

But it is still widely spread by many people, so many people come to Zhuyuan and choose the first stop

I chose the Planetarium located in the center of the commercial street.

Shen Xiyao's first impression when she walked to the commercial street area was crowded.

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