Maybe "Man of the Stars", as the theatrical version of "Dream of the Stars", has its own original plot.

Less, most of the time repeating the content of the previous anime.

But none of the audience complained about this kind of "cut corners" theatrical version.

No one thinks the movie is worth the price.

A really good script is not about the audience choosing whether to cry or laugh because they themselves

out of control.

There is no doubt that "Man of the Stars" is absolutely excellent in this regard, although it is in

Repeating the plot of the anime, but the conversion of memory and reality is extremely smooth, not giving people

The slightest feeling of rigidity.

And at this moment, the audience looked at the back of the floor house and finally knew why the theatrical version was called

"Man of the Stars".

Layer House lost his weapon, which means that he gave up his current identity, no

Whether it's because of the body, or simply because of the robot in front of you

The girl was moved.

The moment he dropped his weapon, he was no longer a scavenger, but an inheritance star

The man of the star of light.

Practice hard, and end 3.8 throughout his life, from the prime to old age, from black hair to white hair, one

Step by step looking for hope, step by step looking for the starry sky that the girl was looking forward to.

The war turned the starry sky into a luxurious sight, so the girl used projection

Now that beautiful starry sky.

Don't be afraid that you won't be able to see this shining star again, because once you've seen it,

You can't forget.

In this devastated world, the one who preaches the stars is also the one who preaches hope.

PS: Thanks for "the promise under the night", "can be great", "198...82", "155.…

25", "Xuanqwert", "Lin Qianli" monthly ticket support for "One Shot Every Day", thanks to "huan

linv587", "Secret Puppet Sage" for the reward, thank you guys!!!

I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! .

Chapter [-] Are you here to pick me up? (For support)

"Wait a minute, Goddess-sama will definitely be able to fulfill our wishes!"

"God cannot fulfill all wishes."

The house finally decided to leave, not to add trouble to the people of this small residential area,

And most importantly, he has found someone to pass on.

His greatest wish has been fulfilled.

The guide house was a little bitter about the child's sincere words.

If God really exists in this world, if God can really fulfill people's wishes, then

The robot girl who changed her life back then wouldn't...

While speaking, Jiwu looked up and suddenly saw a scene that surprised him.

An automaton, a nun-like automaton!

Seeing this, the guide house brake pliers stepped forward, stretched out his hand and shook the back of some automatic dolls

The cables, full of incredulousness, looked at the nun in front of him.

"By the way, behind the ear..."

Yuewu suddenly thought of something, and there was excitement in his eyes.

She has always kept the memory chip of the original robot girl, if she can 0

4 Insert the memory chip into the body of the automaton in front of you, then…

The old hand in the depths of the room slowly touched the nun's ear hidden in her hair.

Ga Ye~

The excited expression of the guide house was suddenly avoided, he looked at the automatic doll in front of him, tightly

He planted his heart and rolled down the steps.

The crumb house can get here, all rely on a belief to support, and now the belief is crumbling, old

His body could no longer support it.

In the dead of night, in the facility below the residential area in the sky, the nun automaton slowly moved towards the sky.

Walking in the direction of the bungalow, looking at Yuya lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, the nun stopped the group.

Kneeling down on the ground, clasping his hands together, Cai Xiwu prayed.

Feeling the movement in the house, the guide house slowly opened his cloudy eyes.

Looking at the nun robot in front of him, the guide house had a look of relief on his face.

"Are you here to pick me up?"

"Is there only one door you're talking about? I won't go with you if there are two."

Shen Xiyao grabbed her mouth tightly, of course she knew what the male protagonist meant.

Once, Hoshino Yumei said when she left that the kingdom of heaven she was looking forward to was human beings

There is no place to be separated from the robot, so the male protagonist is worried.

Worried that if there are two gates to heaven, does it mean that humans and machines

People are to be separated in the kingdom of heaven.

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