Yuya opened his eyes to look at the nun robot with his hands folded in front of him, and saw the other's mouth.

The horn's smile finally reached her eyes with peace of mind.

As soon as the picture changed, Ugly House came to a white scene all around, and with his

Walking slowly, the body is getting younger and younger, and the footsteps are getting stronger and stronger.

Soon, HOS threw away his crutches and regained his youthful strength.

Around the white expanse, the storey slowly walked, and finally came to a gate.

Seeing this, Shen Xiyao already knew what was going on in the plot,

Looking at the door in front of the bureau, Shen Xiyao also folded his hands

Hope you can reunite with the most important person in heaven!

The door was pushed open, and the floor house seemed to return to the original planetarium, headed by

A familiar figure with blue hair.

The other is holding a bouquet of flowers, a real bouquet.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The male protagonist saw the figure that haunted him, avoided for a moment, and then stepped forward

Say hello.

"Yes, long time no see."

Familiar voice, familiar face, Shen Xiyao felt her tears slip,

Yuya and Yumei are happy and delighted to meet again.

"Looks like you're all right."

"Yes, because I'm a robot, please accept it. This is the bouquet that you keep, Cai."

"I'm so sorry for keeping you for so long."

"I can finally hand it back to you."

Hoshino Yumei looked at the crumb house, and the corners of her eyes slowly slipped a touch of crystal.

"Yeah, you're going to cry too~

The bureau house looked at the tears in the corner of the other party's eyes, and there was a smile on his face.

"I've always wanted to say thank you, thank you very much."

"I should thank you even more for bringing stars and stories about stars to so many people

, thank you very much 1!"

Hearing Hoshino Yumei's words, tears flowed down his face.

Persistence for the rest of his life, running around like a day for decades, at this moment, he felt that everything was worth it.


The girl's words made him feel that his efforts were not in vain.

The four armors spun white snow, and the floor house slept forever on this land, and the film ended at this point.


In the theater, the audience listened to the melodious ED, no one left their own actions,

They are still feeling the goodness.

The same is true for Shen Xiyao, listening to this melodious music in her ear, she put her most sincere

Blessings were sent to Hoshino Yumei and Xie Gu in Heaven.

I wish there would be no wars in heaven, and that man and robot would not be separated, but there you are

We can enjoy the sky full of stars without hesitation.

The theatrical version of "The Man of the Stars", even if it adds a lot of space to the previous anime, its drama

Love still doesn't seem abrupt, because in Shen Xiyao's eyes.

These two hours together make a complete story.

"Dream of Stars" brings people who praise the stars, in order to praise the beautiful starry sky,

In order to allow people to still see hope in the 153-day cloudy weather.

Celebrating the stars is also given special meaning at this moment.

For the guide house, he has no regrets, although there is no resurrection dream in the end

This is the whole person in the Metai life department in another world, I heard Hoshino Yumi's sentence '

All this is enough.

As the house itself said, 'everything pays off, your word, I

all the efforts of...

After watching "The Man of the Star", the audience felt that the man of the star was a sacred profession,

The inheritor's dream gave the human beings who survived after the war a new hope of pioneering and advancing.

Others don't know, but Shen Xiyao believes that the entire "Dream of the Stars", whether it is an animation

Well, the theatrical version is worth mentioning, its essence is in the theatrical version.

In the doomsday environment, the starry sky, together with the beginning and the end, has been given a new meaning

, is not limited to individuals, nor is it limited to a certain city.

Instead, it has been extended, for people living in the ruins of the post-war era, the starry sky

It represents hope and the motivation to restart the home.

Once they were called stars, now they are road signs illuminating the darkness, walking slowly,

Inherit the dream that is intertwined with stars.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! 1 !!

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