Shen Xiyao watched the anxious match at the scene for a while, looked left and right for a while, and then looked for

to the nearest staff member.


Because the people at the scene were too excited and the voices were easy to boil, Shen Xiyao called the other party several times.

, the other party did not respond.

In desperation, he could only change into a high-decibel voice and roar.

"Hello, what's the matter?!"

The staff also yelled at Shen Xiyao, not because he was so angry, but because he didn't do anything.



If you don't need to shout at the scene, you won't hear what the other party is saying at all.

The shouts and cheers of the crowd, the sound of the simulated engines of the chariots in the arena, these

The sounds are intertwined, and the degree of their promiscuity can be imagined.

The staff looked at Shen Xiyao's live broadcast equipment, and looked at what Shen Xiyao was wearing on her chest.

The person immediately pointed to a small shed not far away, and motioned for Shen Xiyao to follow him.

Passing through the crowd, Shen Xiyao came to the shed pointed by the staff and sat down

In the chair, panting.

With such a distance, Shen Xiyao felt more tired than walking around the streets all day.

Too much.

"Miss, are you a temporary anchor hired by Fang Dong?"

"Yes, thank you."

Talk to the staff politely

The shed is obviously a temporary resting place for the staff, but no one is there yet.

It's just a rest here, only she and the staff in front of her.

"Excuse me, how can I participate in this game?"

Shen Xiyao asked curiously, pointing to the chariots running in the distance.

Hearing Shen Xiyao's words, the staff said with a smile: "There are several types of chariot battles, 1

VS1,3, 3,5VS5, [-]VS[-], in addition to multi-team melee, three teams together, four teams together

, even if you can gather enough players, you can fight a hundred cars. "

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! ! !

| voice | also

Chapter [-] Undergraduates can't write such a feeling (for support)

The staff looked at Shen Xiyao and said with a smile: "If you are alone, you can participate in

Add a solo match, or join a team formed by other players, or form your own team

With that said, the staff pointed to the rest area in the distance.

Shen Xiyao looked in the direction of the staff's fingers, and she saw a lot of people

There was vigorously shouting something, and some people even pulled out a banner.

It's just that Shen Xiyao couldn't read what was written because of the distance.

The venue is really too big, Shen Xiyao took a cursory look, almost every terrain

Yes, there are even some simple-to-build residential areas.

According to the staff, most of those residential areas are foam or PVC panels

The simple shelter was built to simulate street fighting.

And the plastic board is also very light, whether it is damaged or damaged, it is more "one"

Four or seven" is very easy to change.

After listening to the staff's introduction, Shen Xiyao's eyes lit up.

My heart is full of admiration for Fangzheng, this is almost a copy of "Girls and Chariots"

All kinds of terrain in the ah, and the later replacement and maintenance are very easy, the cost is also

Not too expensive.

"Fuck, I'm really sour!"

"When I'm free, I'll go there anyway!"

"It's interesting to hear, this competition must be attended~!"

"The anchor, hurry up and try it out, I want to see how this chariot battle feels like

used to be

Fans in the live broadcast room urged Shen Xiyao to join the battle quickly.

He smiled slightly, and then told the staff about his request.

Hearing Shen Xiyao's words, the staff seemed to have guessed it a long time ago, and immediately brought Shen Xiyao with him.

Xiyao walked towards the rest area.

After a short rest, Shen Xiyao has recovered and her body is much better.

"That...Is this considered a queue cut, will it cause you trouble?"

Shen Xiyao followed the staff and looked at the crowded crowd outside the venue, a little bad

said meaningfully.

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