"Jumping in line doesn't count, isn't the wearer's ID on your chest?"

The staff was wary when they heard Shen Xiyao's words, and then pointed to Shen Xiyao's chest with a smile.

ID badge worn on the front.

Although it is only a temporary anchor, in a strict sense, Shen Xiyao is also considered an animation carnival

During the Hua period, the temporary employees hired by the A company naturally did not say that they would cut the queue.

Besides, the purpose of Shen Xiyao's live broadcast is to promote the animation carnival, the staff

Naturally, it will not be foolish to prevent the opponent from participating in the competition.

"That's it, Miss Shen, are you participating in the individual competition or the team competition?

I can help you fill out the form, if it is a team competition, you need to recruit your own team

members, or find a team yourself. "

When they came to the rest area, the staff looked at the registration desk surrounded by the crowd and smiled at Shen Xi.

Yao said.

The staff's words made Shen Xibiao feel warm in her heart, this feeling of being taken care of

Feel very pleasant.

However, Shen Xiyao came here to share the process of participating in the chariot battle with the audience.

, not to enjoy the competition for herself, the process of participating in the competition is also an experience, she thought

To broadcast live to fans.

This can also be regarded as a cutscene for the audience in the live broadcast room. When they come, they can press

Follow the familiar process to sign up for the competition.

"No, I want to experience the whole process of competing for myself."

The staff nodded when they heard Shen Xiyao's words, and then said goodbye to Shen Xiyao and returned.

own position.

After the staff left, Shen Xiyao couldn't see a trace of Ying who had been surrounded long ago.

The registration desk of the gap, there are some crying and laughing on the face.

It seems that I want to participate in the competition, this is another crowded war~

But Shen Xiyao is not in a hurry, she plans to interview on the spot to see if she can ask

what useful information.

Thinking about it, Shen Xiyao walked towards the crowd, where many players spontaneously gathered

Together, they seem to be discussing something.

"Let's take a walk and have a look, I have participated in four games, and I am experienced and happy.

Welcome to the big brother Yinxin to join the team!"

"Come on a tool man, 5VS5 competition, we will fly!"

"Solo competition, come to a master, want to experience high-tech duel!"

"The battle of a hundred people is hot, no matter if you are a newbie or a big guy, no matter if you have

All technologies are welcome, hurry up and sign up!"

"Hundreds of people are recruiting people, we are responsible for registering you now, if you are interested, hurry up

Assemble, no waiting!"

As soon as she walked in here, Shen Xiyao heard that many fans were running around to eat and drink, making noise.

The coaxing is like a vegetable market.  …

Listen carefully, after a long time, the players themselves are recruiting people~

Shen Xiyao is very novel about this game mode where players form their own teams.

You looked around curiously.

Suddenly, Shen Xiyao saw the banner that she hadn't seen clearly before, and saw the inside

Rong, Shen Xiyao's eyes widened immediately.

Sure enough, the masters are in the folk, and this propaganda slogan is not ordinary~

"The turret is justice, the caliber is the truth, the movement preserves freedom, the armor guards and

Ping, piercing the depths and declaring victory, the angle of depression casts a miracle, the vision brings the dawn, the hidden item is exchanged for hope

Hope, reloading to success, hits depend on faith! One by one Hessian fan group, join us

, to create brilliant together!"


As Shen Xiyi's camera moved, fans in the live broadcast room also saw this slogan.

Maybe Shen Xiyao doesn't know what it means, but there are many viewers in the live broadcast room

All laughed.

"Nima, it's so real~!"

"Hahaha, you look like an old WOT player~

"This slogan is written in my blood, and I'm also a WOT hardcore.


"I'm adding a sentence to you: hesitating and you will be defeated, and decisiveness is still free!"

"Weakly ask, isn't that what you mean by battleship?"

"You upstairs, shut up, don't remind me of my status as an admiral, my wallet~~

3.1 When the fans saw the slogan, the live broadcast room became lively, a chariot than

Sai can be so enthusiastic, sure enough, there will be such 'genius' in any circle


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