Scattered to a dangerous speed.

As far as the Tiger King tank Tian Zhiwei chose, it is impossible for Fang Zheng to actually install it on it.

A 690-horsepower diesel engine is used as the drive~

Unsafe and unrealistic, so this authenticity is only within the range allowed by safe speeds

maximum within the pursuit.

The second is fire control. Although it is a paint bomb, the turret should rotate,

Details such as depression angle are also a lot, and they are all in pursuit of reality.

The magic modified chariots are all powered by electricity. In order to simulate the authenticity, Fangzheng is still standing.

A 360-degree sound is installed inside, in order to give players a realistic engine sound.

After all, many players enjoy the beast-like roar of the chariot.

Including the sound of the cannon, and Fang Zheng also added the recoil of the artillery to the chariot

The sensor, in order to give the player a very real illusion.

In order to give players a good experience, when Fangzheng ordered these tanks,

It can be described as blood.

Of course, judging from the current situation, Fang Zheng's money is not wasted.

Visitors who have joined the game have given high praise.

Although the speed is slightly insufficient, everyone is considerate. After all, for safety,

The speed of the chariot cannot be increased to seventy or eighty miles without limit.

If it really reaches that speed, Li is afraid that a bump will be enough for the player to endure it.

In addition to the chariot, Fangzheng also put a lot of effort into the field, there are all kinds of terrain, and

There is a simulated street fighting area that Shen Xiyao had seen before.

Moreover, it has been reported before that the participating chariots have fallen into a mud pit due to improper operation.

sleazy operation.

It is enough to see the authenticity of this competition venue and the magic modified chariot.

"Then what should I do" One?"

Shen Xiyao didn't know what to say, since the driver and the gunner were out, his

His are all tool people, so what should he do as a war reporter?

Is it really only responsible for taking pictures?

"Aren't you the anchor? I'll give you the commander of another chariot, which is also convenient

you live. "

Hearing this, Shen Xiyao was completely speechless.

She is now [-]% sure that this girl with high fighting spirit in front of her has absolutely no idea.

What are the responsibilities of the tank commander?

Feelings are in the eyes of the other party, and the captain is like a fish-like existence who watches the scenery all the way.


"What about yourself?"

Shen Xiyao was very curious about Tian Zhiwei's position. According to the other party's views and attitudes, she estimated that

The plan is to choose between the driver and the gunner.

After all, in the eyes of the other party, only these two positions have some role, and the others are tools

Human beings exist.

Even Shen Xiyao's malicious guess, if it weren't for the rigid rules of the competition, the team members would not be assembled.

Not allowed to participate in the competition, this girl may drive a chariot to participate in the competition.

One part-time driver and gunner, stop and go.

Shen Xiyao is still very concerned about the regulations of club A that the team members are not allowed to participate in the competition.


After all, the current crowd has proved the popularity of this game, if anyone joins

If the team members are not equal to participate in the competition, this is tantamount to wasting places.

And such a regulation of the A club not only allows more people to participate in the game and experience the game

The fun of the game, and it can also make the game more realistic.

Tian Zhiwei heard Shen Xiyao's question, patted her chest, and said confidently.

” As the initiator of the team, of course I am the captain, otherwise what else could it be?


Tian Zhiwei looked at Shen Xiyao strangely, as if she was asking such a simple question.

Don't understand?

Shen Xiyao almost vomited blood when she saw the other party's eyes.

I haven't even opened my mouth to spit on you, but you always complained first. Who else said that just now?

Is the driver possible?

"My biggest dream is to be a captain and only win the championship with my own tank group.

Jun, you must know that my idol is Miho who is known as the god of war~!"

Tian Zhiwei admires Nishizumi Miho when she mentions it. She watched "Girls and Chariots"

when it is.

At first, she felt that Nishizumi Miho was very weak, and her senses were not very good.

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