Later, seeing Miho Nishizumi's great power, various tactical arrangements emerged one after another.

Nizi quickly changed her attitude, and she simply didn't want what Nishizumi Miho worshipped.

Yeongke~ (It's over)!

Hearing Tian Zhiwei's natural words, Shen Xiyao almost didn't get her own saliva.


Is that how you worship Miho Nishizumi, the god of war?

You don't even see what Misumi Nishizumi has done as the captain of the car.

, just noticed that people are handsome and ran~

Shen Xiyao no longer had any hope for her first battle, did she achieve good results?

Hehe, it would be nice not to be the first to be eliminated.

Once upon a time, she also admired those girls who drove chariots very much, but with Tian Zhi.

Wei is different, she worships Nishizumi Miho's sister, Nishizumi Maho.

From Shen Xiyao's point of view, Xizhu Zhensui was the standard woman trained in the battle lane.

Strong, courageous, independent, and also not lacking in the tenderness of women, just like an iron

Blood roses are generally fascinating.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! .

time | voice | also

Chapter 7 Fang Da is going to participate [-]! (For support)

Shen Xili felt that she couldn't communicate with Tian Zhichang any longer.

I'm afraid I'll just quit.

This is so scary~!

Just when Shen Xili was preparing Xun Yi to persuade Tian Zhixiao, there was a sudden movement outside the crowd.

Shen Xiyao looked over curiously, and her eyes widened instantly.

She saw a familiar figure, but how is this possible?!

Shen Xiyao controlled and wiped her eyes, she suspected that she was wrong, or she was dazzled


After the man-machine was confirmed, Shen Daobuba and Zhanbusi said with confidence: Ren Guang


"What?!" Tian Zhihe heard Shen Xili's exclamation, and hurriedly turned her head, and entered the venue.

At the mouth, I saw a handsome and outrageous figure

'Really Fang Da!'

The crowd also started to riot at this time. Seeing Fang Zheng's figure, many people waited more than

At the beginning of the competition, the contestants felt the difference and were very excited at the same time.

'Fang Da, I love you!!

"Fang Da, sign my name for me~, I'm your big fan~!"

"I'm also your big fan, the kind of car-printer!"

867 "Fang Da, I brought you some special products from my hometown, what time do you see?

Take it~!

"Fang Da, look here, tell me how to write the word 'pi'!"

The crowd was chattering, and Shen Xibiao was keenly aware that her opportunity was coming.

He stepped forward, raised the live broadcast device and pointed it in the direction of Fangzheng.

On the other side, Fang Zheng listened to the shouting from the crowd, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Behind him, Zhang Siyu, Chen Xianting, Yang Li, and Qin Feidu are all sticking to the road.

Don't let yourself out.

Before Fangzheng came, he was very narcissistic and said that as long as he appeared on the stage, the fans in the audience

There will definitely be cheers and a warm welcome to his Dao.

It seems that the cheers are real now, but this warm welcome is uncertain.

This means that there is a staff blocking it. If not, it is estimated that Fangzheng would have been given to the crowd long ago.


Fang Zheng listened to the shouting in his ear, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Shouldn't you be here?

The one who said it was my die-hard fan. Which die-hard fan club have you seen outside Che Xuanmao?

Did the commercial car provoke you?

(aeeh) And the fan who brought me souvenirs, thank you so much for your family


As for the word 'skin'?

Don't you know if you look at me? There are so many people in this scene, who is more skinny than me?


Fangzheng felt the 'love' eyes in the crowd, and his feet were like a core on his back.

He stepped up inattentively, and quickly walked towards the arena.

The people around looked at Fangzheng's direction, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

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