This is so obvious to target him~

Fang Zheng entered the venue with the staff, and then put on protective gear with the help of the staff.

The protective gear includes a helmet and an impact-resistant vest, and the head duck protects the player's

Glasses and ear kills to prevent accidental paint bombs from popping open and the paint in them entering the player

ears and eyes.

The shock-resistant vest can effectively prevent the chariot from crashing due to the player's misoperation.

The impact force when hitting, maximizes the protection of the player's personal safety.

Putting on protective gear, Fang Zheng watched as the player on the other side was already running towards the stop.

At the car yard, following the instructions of the staff, I chose the chariot that I had reserved.

"Fang Dong, you don't really want one to fight ninety-nine, right?"

Fangzheng was followed by Zhang Siyu, Yang Li, Chen Xianting and Qin Hemo, and the four daughters also wore

After wearing the armor, it was obvious that they and Fang were in the same crew.

Whether they are willing or not.

"A pair of ninety-nine? I'm stiff!"

Hearing Chen Ruxun's words, Fangzheng rolled his eyes speechlessly, and then led a few girls towards a

Go to the side shed.

Because the chariots of the chariot-to-battle base are all released in different areas, so Fangzheng's side is not

There are no players to follow, which also gives Fangzheng the opportunity to make small moves

Zhang Siyu on the side saw the 1S-2 in front of him, and immediately walked towards the chariot, but he was halfway there.

The way was stopped by Fang Zheng.

Mr. Fang Dong.?

"Not this one, this one!"

Fang Zheng stopped Zhang Siyu, and in the eyes of the other party's puzzled eyes, he pointed to | S-2

That petite chariot, the Stalker.

"But Dong Fang, didn't you say you were going to take the S-2?"

Tai Gong, who was on the side, jumped out and pointed to the heavy-duty boarding car before returning to see that it was not a big deal.


The next thing is, when God sprinkled his wisdom on others, did you taste it alone?

Rain companion?"

Fangzheng looked at Qin Yaolin speechlessly, such a simple question can be thought of with a finger

Got it, do you really don't know or pretend you don't?

(Why do you say that 3

Qin Caitiao still didn't react, and looked at Fang Zheng with a pair of big black eyes.

"Because you have no brains!

Fang Zheng was too lazy to take care of this Weng Pingping's beautiful goods, and moved directly to Chase Jiang Cai on the side.


Although the standard members of the reporter hunter are four people, there are five people on Fangzheng's side, but the crowded

It doesn't matter if you squeeze it.

"I said that if I cut my father's 2, I would use my father's 2 treatment, but as soon as the thing went out, it was obvious to Tu Tu.

These players, I am Fangzheng, come and beat me~

Fang Zheng sat in the driver's seat, started the chariot, and said nonchalantly, his face full of expression.

It's a dog's deceitful expression.

“You actually donkey your fans? 1”

At the end of the game, Xin took the gunner's position, and when he heard Fang Zheng's words, he finally came to his senses.

Facing Qin Sudie's surprised gaze, Fang Zheng's mouth twitched slightly.

"Can you speak? How can this be called a lie?" Fang Zheng opened the Shangliao Wangkou of the chariot

, looked outside, saw that the field of vision was still wide, and nodded with satisfaction.

"This is called Mingxiu Plank Road Darkness Chencang, learn a little bit!"

After speaking, Fang Zheng stepped on the accelerator, and the sound in the chariot simulated a real chariot.

The roar of eating, the blood of the people who listened to it was boiling.

Following the action of the policy, the chariot slowly drove away from the warehouse.

The stalker is like a bigger toy in Fangzheng's hands, doing whatever he wants

, its superb driving skills, simply make those fans who read old players feel ashamed.

Of course, the premise is that those players notice Fang Zheng.

However, Fangzheng is an old traitor and a giant.

The door is gone, so the players who have been in the warehouse have no idea that the goods have left.

I went to the warehouse and entered the venue ahead of time. …

"Dip~! Please drive each chariot to the predetermined location!"

"Di~! The Hundred-Car War officially begins! "

With the order of the broadcast, the morale of the players soared, and they scrambled to move towards

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