The attack in front has only one purpose, and that is to capture Fang Zheng's head!

But the overjoyed players have forgotten that they were staring at Fangzheng just now.

's warehouse, when the game was known, neither Fang Zheng nor his loving father 2 showed up.

However, the player said that he has a large number of people, these are all trivial, just brush what

What conspiracy and tricks, is it not a dead end in the end?

"Guys, is none of us driving Dayfather 2?"

“Our Hessian fan group doesn’t have it!”

“Neither does our truth fan club 1!”

"We didn't have a big wash either!"

"Didn't I say, is it really appropriate that you truth fans don't drive Kind Father 2?"

"Gu Sizi, in order to kill the spirit of Fangzheng's thief, our truth family has gone out!"

On the player's side, the leaders of several fan groups united early, not only

Several fan groups and even those scattered players have also pulled in.

So from the very beginning, this battle was a veritable siege of ninety-nine chariots.

Fangzheng is a solitary expert.

Although it does not talk about martial arts to some extent, but Dui Rang this is what that Pippi Shrimp personally requested

What ~

4.9 What can they do with such a cheap request?

Of course he is satisfied!

As the race started, ninety-nine chariots marched in unison, and the scene was tense for a while.

Spectacular and exciting.

And the chariot to the station base is also very sensible to broadcast to the fans watching the game off the field

After the game, several huge LCD screens switched to the scene of the game at the same time.

more people will see it.

PS: Thanks to "Da You Chou Tian Ran, who loves fruit", "Yue Ying Ran", "Yan Qingling", "156

....16"","chh6115",*438....97","Spirit of the Soul","One Sheep"

After Ben 5 Thank you for the reward of "Crazy Endless", thank you for your support


I beg the big guys for your support, please! ! !

| Bar | Three

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Seven

On the other side, Fang Zheng was sitting in the chariot, and the stalker he controlled had already hid in the opposite direction.

At the very edge of the battlefield, the entire body was hidden behind a low dirt slope.

Even Fangzheng found a branch and ran over the chariot very carefully.

The car marks were erased.

The whole people requisition the crops under Fangxia, spit out a voice, and their hearts are full of


You said that you are a dignified chairman of company A, and you don't need to drive the 1S-2 yourself.

You are still playing so vulgarly on horseback, what about your pre-war majesty that you want to hit a hundred?

"Shameless, shameless, Fang Da has successfully broken the lower limit of shameless!"

"What about 1S-2? Your 1S-2 looks like this?"

"Beast, do you play games like this?"

"Hehe, it's useless to go there!"

"It's good to sweep the trace left, are you planning to stay until the end of the game?"

The players outside the arena were very helpless to Fang Zheng's shameless actions, and they jumped one by one.

Why are they crowded around here?

Isn't it just to watch 04 Fangzheng, the Pippi shrimp that gave them a toothache, be taught a lesson?

Just looking at Fangzheng's posture, this guy seems to have been prepared for a long time~

"Brothers of the competition, shine your eyes!"

"You don't know what kind of virtue Fang Da has, he certainly won't drive the district father 2 honestly.

Yes, use your brain~!!"

"Don't hold a group, Pippi Shrimp is alone, so what if he knocks down one? On the contrary, he

It can reveal the location of the other party and spread out the search, which is very efficient!"

"I'm so anxious, the brother who drives the BT-42, you are the piano devil's car

, a magical car that can run on single-row road wheels, do you dare to go faster! "

"I'm speechless, what kind of immortals are they~"

The players outside the field can see it clearly, but the players on the field don't.

So the fans outside the arena turned into spring commanders one by one, watching the players inside the arena

The Sao operation, one by one anxiously jumping feet.

She is indisputable, sad for her misfortune~

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