This time the answer came more violently than the previous two, and the neat shouts seemed to

The volcano, which has been applied for a long time, is like an instant, hot and violent.

"So beautiful, let me introduce myself to everyone~"

Hearing the audience's answer, Yang Li turned to look at the beautiful woman beside her, and said with a smile.

She just wanted the staff to hand over the microphone, but she saw the beautiful woman beside her directly posing

He waved his hand and refused.

Then I saw the beauty pointed to her mouth, and then shook her hand desperately.


Seeing the beauty's actions, Yang Li's first reaction was this beautiful and outrageous girl

The child is dumb and cannot speak.

Then Yang Li looked at the anxious action of the other party, and gradually became convinced of her guess.

"Sure enough, God is fair and gave the beauty an envious appearance, but

It took away her right to speak. "

"It's a pity that such a beautiful beauty is actually dumb~"

"I also like dumb, just this face, I feel happy every day when I look at it!"

"Fuck you, I still like it, but is it useful? Do people like you?"

"Damn it, brother, everyone is in the two-dimensional circle, it's heartbreaking!"

When the audience saw the beauty's actions, they all avoided it, and immediately reflected it.

There was a little pity in the eyes of the figure on the stage.

The woman stood in the center of the stage, like a lotus blooming alone in a quiet pond

Flowers are general, Tingting is straight, not all branches.

It can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be played~

Yang Li was a little embarrassed at this time, Fang Zheng didn't tell her that this beauty was dumb.

This,... the other party can't speak, no matter how great she is, she can't let the other party open

Let me introduce myself~

How to do how to do?

Yang Li's mind turned sharply, thinking of ways to deal with it.

Now is not the time to complain that Fangzheng didn't tell her the truth, the top priority is how to make this

A beautiful woman to introduce herself.

Judging from Fangzheng's yin only, this beauty is undoubtedly the object of Fangzheng's next push.

You can’t introduce yourself twice this time to increase your popularity, then you can


And today is the first night of the animation carnival, and it is the carnival of Budokan.

At the performance site, the heat at this time is the highest.

If you let him introduce himself now, it will definitely have a multiplier effect.

However, the other party would not speak, which made Yang Li not knowing what to do for a while.

"What~ Goo

Just when Yang Li's brain was running at full speed and thinking about countermeasures, the beautiful woman next to her said

A series of incomprehensible sounds.

When Yang Li heard the sound, she saw that the other party pointed at her, and then at the audience.

"You mean you have a way to introduce yourself?"

Yang Li looked at each other suspiciously, a little suspicious in her heart.

Can't speak, how do you introduce yourself?

However, Yang Li looked at the other party's eyes that did not seem to be fake, and finally it was because of the other party's righteousness.

Trust, choose to trust each other.

Yang Li turned to the audience and said softly.

"Everyone has guessed that this beautiful and unsuitable fairy, for some reason,

Can speak, but don't worry, the beauty seems to have her own way to introduce herself

already. "

After speaking, Yang Li stepped aside and left the stage to this beautiful woman who couldn't speak.

There was a hint of curiosity in the light.

She also wanted to know how the other party would introduce herself without speaking.

Yang Li stepped back to the side, only to see the beautiful woman taking two steps forward and making a few gestures,

Then he bent down.

"What is this doing?

"Period shoot? Thank you?"

"Is there any sign language of Dahuaqing, please translate it for Juan Bi

"What exactly does this mean?"

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