The audience was puzzled, and many people were unpopular with the other party's gestures.

I believe that sign language is still a hygienic language for most people.

too much to learn.

Just when the audience was wondering, the action of the beautiful woman on the stage made the audience freeze.

Rather than being dumbfounded, it is better to say that many gentlemen were ecstatic, their eyes widened and their breaths clear.

It was a lot quicker.

Because they actually saw the beauty who seemed to be taking off the stockings on her legs!

"Is it so exciting?"

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"The old man's blood pressure rises and his heart beats fast, who can quickly save Xinfan?"

"I suspect you are driving, but I have no proof!"

Watching the beauty take off her stockings a little bit, the gentlemen in the audience are screened

After taking a breath, he looked at each other with stubborn eyes, wanting to appreciate the next beauty that has been removed from the shelves.

Wonderful scenery

It's just a block, and the audience slept.

what did they see?

The bottom of the stockings is not the kind of smooth and beautiful legs they imagined, but a

Legs full of hairy legs!


At this moment, the audience feels that their hearts are broken, broken and broken, everything is beautiful

Illusions are shattered.

Who would have thought that there is so much black hidden under a slender and straight stockings beautiful leg

Flat hair?

"Xie file, what's the situation 3"

"I must be dazzled, my goddess can't have hairy legs!"

"This fruit's mediocre leg hair is more prosperous than the old man's leg hair (good for money)! ,

"Qia, I have a myocardial infarction, please give me the medicine!"

"What kind of fairy is this? !!"

The audience collapsed, the beautiful legs they were looking forward to did not appear, but a long

The legs full of black and flat legs gave them a mental crit.

Some people say that the beautiful things in this world are like bubbles, although beautiful suburban eyes,

But very fragile.

At this moment, the audience deeply realized this feeling.

Just now, their mood was like an endless prairie, blown away by the warm wind of spring.

It blew slightly, but the next moment the spring breeze disappeared, replaced by [-] grass and mud horses

Come galloping.

The scene was reversed so quickly that many people didn't react.

The scene at this time can be described in one sentence, that is, hot eyes!!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, and please 1 ! 1 !

| voice | also

Chapter [-] Pipi Shrimp?! (For support)

The audience was dumbfounded when they looked at the 'beautiful' legs covered with black and flat leg hair.


Did you see it, the goddess you like on weekdays doesn't know what it looks like behind the scenes?


"Wori, the old man can't hold it anymore, let's vomit first!"

"Although my teacher taught me not to judge people by their appearance, they didn't say that I should not judge people by their legs.

Ah, I vomited one too!

"Nima, I don't believe in love anymore!"

"Understood, in the future, when dating a girl on a blind date, you must wear an X-ray, and the one where you can see the bones


"My first love has only just begun...and it's over, life is always full of surprises, hehe


The audience was overwhelmed by the strong contrast, and they complained one after another.

Not to be disgusted.

In the auditorium, Tian Zhiwei touched Shen Xiyao next to Ci and asked softly.

"Sister Yaoyao, what the hell is going on?"

Shen Xiyao shook her head, she didn't know why it was like this.

Girls don't say they don't have long legs, but compared to boys, girls' legs are not hairy.

It was so obvious, it was the first time she had seen such lush leg hair.

It is no exaggeration to say that 920 pieces are just such exaggerated leg hair, and I am afraid that they are in Da Lao and others.

Not many of them~

What's more, this is a beauty who is as beautiful as a fairy, which is even more incredible.

Shen Xiyao looked at everything on the stage carefully, although she was rather shocked, but

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