Not as uncomfortable as men do.

After all, although she was amazed by the other person's appearance at first, she was only shocked.

It's just glamorous, and there's no such overbearing mind of a man.

Without that kind of mind, the contrast is naturally not as strong as the gentlemen on the scene.

The situation is still within the range that Shen Xiyao can bear.

And I don't know what's going on, Shen Xiyao always felt that the figure on the stage was a little familiar.

Especially the eyes of the other party, always gave her a feeling of deja vu.

And just when Shen Xiyao wrinkled and pondered what was going on with this feeling, dance

The situation on the stage took another turn.


The audience also discovered the abnormality on the stage, their eyes widened, and their faces were full of writing.


On the stage, a black hair that was as smooth as silk flew up, and the strands of hair were flying.

The ball is raised wantonly, as if telling everyone about his debauchery.

Looking at the free-spirited hair flying in the air, the audience opened their mouths one by one.

Slightly open, eyes dull.

Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on?!

Suddenly, Shen Xiyao saw the figure taking off her wig, and suddenly stopped her mouth.

She finally knew why she felt that this figure was so familiar, when she saw

When the smile on the corner of the other's mouth, she had already confirmed the identity of the other party.

[-]% sure!

And it wasn't just Shen Xiyao who recognized her identity, Yang Li, who was standing on the edge of the stage, was also stunned.

He stared blankly at the figure in the center of the stage, with disbelief written all over his face.

"I contact, Pipi shrimp?! 1 "

"Nima spicy eyes!

"Your sister, Mr. Fang, you are just a beast!"

" goddess turned out to be a man, no! A pipi shrimp?!"

"Hehehe....Pippi shrimp, how should I repay the surprise you gave me?"

"Goddess... man... Pipi shrimp... hehe... routine..."

The audience is passing eyes, especially the gentlemen, all of them have been played badly on their faces

The expression was dull, and the eyes were dull.


Yang Li walked up to Fangzheng with a surprised look on her face, her beautiful eyes widened, as if she saw

What an incredible thing in general.

"Cough, are you surprised?

Fang Zheng glanced at the audience's reaction, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

(aedg) Looking at Yang Li beside him, his eyes half-gaze.

Yang Li looked at Fang Zheng, the corners of her mouth twitched for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Can she not be surprised?

The beauty who made her cruel to herself is actually a man, and she is very

Familiar Founder.

When she thinks of the man she likes, the women's clothes are actually more beautiful than her, Yang Li's heart is full

It's weird, even so weird that she doesn't know how to face Fang Zheng.

Looking at Fang Zheng's handsome face, Yang Li was thinking about the unbelievably beautiful face just now.

Pretty face, she really feels that she has been refreshed.

Fang Zheng ignored the shocked speechless Yang Li and took over the hand from the staff.

Jane, Fang Zheng waved towards the audience.

"Dear fans, good evening everyone, nice to see you at Anime Carnival


Fang Zheng's magnetic voice echoed back and forth in the martial arts hall, filling the audience's ears.

Listening to Fang Zheng's words, many viewers rolled their eyes.

You are so happy to see us, we are not happy to see you, even we have a little


"233~ The big guys who called their wives and goddesses just now, come out with your dream lover

Say hello~"

"Hahaha, I can't help it, I'm dying of laughter!"

"Sure enough, men have nothing to do with women, Fang Da did a beautiful job!"

"I feel like everyone has been played bad, Fang Da Da is too bad!"

"Mom, it doesn't matter if Fang Da is handsome, even the women's clothes are so beautiful, so let's face it.

Don't let people live?!"

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