The carnival continued until ten o'clock in the evening, and as the lights on the stage ended, the audience

Only then did he reluctantly leave the Budokan.

The anime carnival in the early morning was obviously deserted, except for Pang who came out of the Budokan.

The crowd is crowded, and there are significantly fewer tourists on the streets than during the day.

Shen Xiyao looked at the time, it was more than [-]:[-] when they walked out of the martial arts hall.

At this point, tourists must all go back to the hotel to rest~

"Sister Yaoyao, let's go to the camping camp, I have already rented the venue and space.

Waiting for something, let's hurry over and pack up 1"

After leaving the martial arts hall, Tian Zhiwei was like an elf who didn't know how to be exhausted.

Yao's ear, Ji member sneered.

Shen Xili really didn't know how to describe Tian Zhixiao.

I haven't had a good rest, I'm obviously crazier than myself, why don't I know I'm tired?

Shaking her head, Shen Xiyao dragged her heavy legs, looked at Tian Zhibi and said: "

Come on, let's go to bed too. "

Playing for a day, and crazy for a day, if she has been so crazy, she may not feel

How tired.

But after sitting in the Budokan for two hours, all of a sudden my legs felt as if they were filled with lead.

It was extremely heavy, so Shen Eryao desperately hoped to have a rest.

Fight for a long sleep till dawn!

"Sister Yaoyao, have you ever camped? Let me tell you, I rented a good tent.

And there are grills, portable seats, kerosene lamps

Tian Zhiwei walked in front of the treadmill while introducing herself to Shen Xiyao.

of cups.

Along the way, Tian Zhiwei kept talking to Shen Xiyao, and Shen Xiyao was very convinced.

She doesn't even bother to talk now, she's so tired!

Finally, the two came to the "Rainbow Camping" theme camping park.

The interior is different from most other parks.

Other parks will light up various lights at night, in order to facilitate tourists to visit at night.


But here is different, there are few lights, except for the necessary road lighting facilities

, and most of the rest of the place is dark.

And only those camping tents have the yellow light of the fire and the kerosene lamp.

Na's dim light.

Camping is to avoid the curse of all, to embrace the embrace of nature, although

The invention of light made mankind bid farewell to the darkness, but it is undeniable that light also destroyed

That natural breath.

The theme park of "Shake Camping" has been focusing on camping since its construction. It is not without

Lighting handouts, but to give visitors the maximum camping experience, are all turned off and


Shen Eryao was walking on the path in the park, even if the street lights on the path were very yellow

The slightest fear, but instead a feeling of walking on a country street.

Campers are everywhere, tents are everywhere, orange fires are flickering,

There were also bursts of laughter.

Shen Xiyao looked around, most of the campers were groups of twos and threes, single people

There are also campers, but very few.

Come to think of it, there are only a few tourists who go solo camping alone like Sesame Hao.

They all like to be lively.

Tian Zhiwei looked at the other camping tourists in the tents, sitting around each other beside the fire, drinking

Drinking drinks, chatting and laughing with each other, with a warm and harmonious feeling, I can't help but feel a little envious.


"Sister Yaoyao, let's go there too, let's come too!"

After Tian Zhiwei finished speaking, she dragged Shen Xiyao and ran towards the camping spot she had reserved earlier.

And Shen Xiyao could only helplessly follow.

Finally, following the directions of the map, Tian Zhiwei came to her camping site.

Wei made a phone call, and soon a staff member brought camping equipment.

However, what happened next made Shen Xiyao's eyes froze.

"Sister Yaoyao, will you set up a tent?"

I won't~

"…I do not know either.…"

Under the quiet night sky, Shen Xiyao and Tian Zhiwei, you look at me, I look at you, both are

Some stiff eyes.

Especially Shen Xiyao, who was sitting on the grass, her whole body collapsed.

"By the way, we can ask the water friends in the live broadcast room to ask~

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