Tian Zhiwei picked up the live broadcast equipment she had put aside without saying a word.

, only to find out that since they left the martial arts hall, the live broadcast room forgot to open.

Tian Zhiwei stuck out her tongue and secretly opened the live broadcast room.

Fortunately, Shen Xiyao's live broadcast room is very popular. When the live broadcast is opened, there are water friends in an instant.

Came in.

PS: I'm asking for more support from the big guys, and I'm 1 !! .

| sigh | also

Hit the party to share the report

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Three Miserable Mighty Might (For Support)

Because the Budokan had the official live broadcast of the A company platform before, Shen Xiyao did not play

Open your own live room.

And as soon as it was opened at this time, the viewers who were diverted from the official live broadcast room of the A company went crazy.

Rushed in.

"Zhi, the broadcast is on~"

"Is there any fun at the anime carnival at night?"

"Nima, Fang Da's exit just now made me laugh to death, the man who sang was really

It's so talented. "

"Juhua disabled, full of injuries, your smile has turned yellow..."

"I can't look straight anymore, it's such a spoof!"

As soon as the live broadcast room was opened, the water friends started to discuss, and it was true that the situation in front of the camera was

Didn't notice it at all.

"Hey, didn't you notice me?"

Tian Zhiwei looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room and grunted in dissatisfaction.

Although she's just an assistant, can you guys stop ignoring me like that~!

"I control, how come there is still one person!"

"This black light is blinding, I didn't even notice if you didn't say anything!"

"Enough of you guys upstairs, she's a cute girl after all~"

"No, what's the situation with you guys? Why are you still outside?"

"Didn't find a hotel to stay in?"

Following Tian Zhiwei's words, the water friends in the live broadcast room also noticed Shen Xiyao and Tian Zheng.

Wei's situation can't help but worry.

"Good evening everyone~"

At this time, Shen Xiyao got up from the ground, walked to the camera and made a trick with the audience

Then frowning, he said, "We're at the Swing Camping theme park right now.

Ready for camping, but…”

Speaking of which, Shen Xiyao glanced helplessly at Tian Zhiwei, who was treated like this by Shen Xiyao

Look, the eyes are a little dodged.

"People don't think about it so much~"

Listening to Tian Zhiwei's aggrieved words, Shen Xiyao shook her head helplessly, then looked at the mirror

The head gave a wry smile.

"Fans in the live broadcast room, do any of you know how to set up camp for a long time[?"

Party Yuyou

Hearing Shen Xiyao's words, the barrage in the live broadcast room was instantly cleared, as if the water friends

No response in general.

However, the barrage soon exploded.

"I control, you are afraid that it is not two ten apples~!"

"666, camping at night, and then I don't know how to camp, talent~

"Don't you know that people who are camping pitch their tents during the day and then go


"Take it, this big night, you guys... alas~ I don't know what to say!"

The country is very nervous about Shen Xibiao and Tian Zhiwei, and the water friends in the live broadcast room are a little bit clueless.


But soon, water friends with outdoor experience began to command.

"This...then this...the last is this, do you understand?"

"Upstairs, why are you still in the mood to joke?"

And "To be honest, give the staff on site a call, they'll probably help you

"That's right, it's dark all around, we tell you you can't tie it well~"

The water friends have persuaded Shen Xiyao to seek the help of the staff. After all, since this is the

Camping theme parks, the staff must have some basic knowledge of camping.

Helpless, Shen Xiyao could only find the map of the camping park and found a worker on the back

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