But Fangzheng was different. From the very beginning, he considered the risk of fans coming to sign up.

There is nothing he can do about time, after all, he is not a god.

But materially, he can pay for the fans who bravely take the first step.

Regardless of whether these people will stay in the two-dimensional position in the future, he is only symbolic

To charge the other party one thousand yuan, the price of this failure was avoided by Fang Zheng by himself.

reduced to a minimum.

Fangzheng let fans have no worries on the road of fighting for their interests.

Fans are well aware of Fangzheng's good intentions, and it is fart to say that he is not moved.


Fang Zheng told himself that it was at most a relationship between idols and fans, and even others

I don't know my own existence.

But for the sake of this stranger, Fang Zheng is willing to pay for them, which is already considered

Greatest kindness.

Moreover, the two-dimensional industry is also booming because of the promotion of the A company.

There is a budding industry emerging.

It can be said that the two-dimensional industry is definitely a sunrise industry, if you can enter this industry

In an industry, the future is not necessarily worse than traditional work.

The official blog of the A company also made it very clear that the purpose of Fangzheng's establishment of Xiuzhiyuan College was not for the purpose of

Instead, it is to speed up the development of the entire industry in the second dimension.

With this kind of heart alone, how many people can do it?

When many bosses are racking their brains to seize market share and change tricks to monopolize,

However, Fangzheng actively subsidized funds to encourage more people to enter the industry.

Isn't that enough to say it all?

I want to understand Fangzheng's deep meaning, fans one by one leave a message under the official blog to support

Founder, support company A.

The scene was once very spectacular, and the speed at which the messages were refreshed was simply incomprehensible.

” Yixiuzhiyuan Academy? If I go there, is it an alumni with Miss Hui Ye?

"You are too real upstairs, why don't you say that you and Baiyin are alumni?"

(The money is straight)

"Everyone is an LSP, why are you so straightforward~

"Damn it, are you here for study, or for the identity of this alumni?

have to!""

"It doesn't seem like it's too much of a loss to spend a thousand to buy Miss Kaguya's alumni status~"

"A bunch of beasts, count me in!"

Fans all have their own sand sculpture attributes, and there are all kinds of emotions in front of the generous and square feet.

Well, it didn't take long for everyone to be successfully led astray, and the archway was very serious.

If Fang Zheng sees that he has set tuition fees in order to reduce students' expenses,

Of course, it was regarded as the cost of purchasing Kaguya Shinomiya's alumni status, so I don't know how I feel.

I am afraid that I will regret that I set a price of a thousand. According to the ideas of these fans, I will directly set the price

More than [-] yuan is good, what anime are you doing, it is enough to just lie down and count the money!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! ! !

time | voice | also

Chapter [-] You are here to work, not to be uncles! (Seeking


On July [-]st, the rich direction blog of company A released a message for the Xiuzhiyuan Academy under company A.

An enrollment plan started a five-day enrollment plan from No. [-] to No. [-].

At the same time, some other companies have a very strange phenomenon

"Manager Lin, three more people handed in their resignation letters today.

In the recruitment manager's office of Guangdu Jiying Group, Lin Jiabu sat on a chair and listened to the

The report, the brows are only together, the face is full of tangle, and even a little anxious

Destroyed look.

"I see?! I see what I see!

Lin Jiache patted his desk confidently, and as soon as the employee resigned, he would


Some time ago, their company added a new business. In order to increase the manpower, the above let

He stepped up to recruit a group of elite talents.

But where are the elite talents these days so easy to find, and capable employees have long been

I found a job I like, and people won't change jobs for a while

Their company does not want to recruit those who are incompetent. As for those who have just left the profession and entered the society

of college students...

It's not that Lin Jiaxiang looked down on these students, they didn't have much social experience, but Tu

The limit is not low.

You said that you are an employee during the internship period, and it is enough to give you three to five and a month's salary.

I mean, 540 turned out to be unpopular.

However, when Lin Jiaxiang was distressed, he didn't know what the wind was blowing.

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