Suddenly a lot of job seekers appeared, and their Jiying Group was no exception.

During that time, many job-seeking talents came to their homes for consultation automatically, and Lin Jiaxiang was also recruited because of the

The recruitment was very successful, the leadership recognized his ability to work, and he was successfully promoted to recruitment

Deputy manager of the department.

Lin Jiache thought that he was about to reach the peak of his life, but he never expected it.

, things are far from simple

"Mr. Lin 0, I want to ask how many girls are there in our company?

Since the recruitment during that period, Lin Jiaxiang was deeply impressed, because everyone came to apply for a job.

The person's first question must be this question.

He didn't know how many girls there were, but the job seeker who asked this question was really mentally retarded.

You are here to find a job and earn money to support your family, not for a blind date.

If you want girls to participate in If You Are the One, why are you running our Jiying Group?!

Is there any time off in our company? Can we have tea and snacks?


For this (aecc) question, Lin Jiaxiang was even more speechless.

What the hell, you haven't even entered the company yet, and you're already planning to start fishing?

Why don't you go to heaven~!

There is also a rest time. Does the lunch break at noon count as a rest?

Does sleeping at night count as rest?

Could it be that you still want to work for half an hour and chat for an hour?

Sometimes Lin Jiaxiang wonders if these job seekers are out of their minds, you know

How hard is it to find a job now?

Come to the company to let you work and create benefits and value for the company, not to let you come

This is the Great Garden!

In short, the questions asked by job seekers during that period were simply varied, making him a

Every team leader in charge of personnel management wonders if the world is changing too fast,

He can't keep up with the rhythm of the current job seekers.

What company will pay the salary according to the actual salary, the boss is not gentle, can the colleagues

Love, will there be a cocktail party or a hot spring bath after overtime, wait a minute.

Lin Jiaxiang, who asked these questions, doubted his life, and he seriously doubted that these job seekers were taking him


However, he asked his friends who work at other companies, and they also met

To such a speechless job seeker.

I'm just a recruiter. To put it mildly, it's personnel management. When you enter the company, you

If you don't work under me, how do I know that your boss is gentle or not!

There are so many people in the whole company, and I have to go to each department to ask them one by one in order to recruit them.

You are not gentle, you are not cute~

Isn't that old man sick!

But the only thing that makes Lin Jiaxiang feel relieved is that although many job seekers have more questions than

Intellectually retarded, but during this time he also recruited enough employees for the company.

I thought my work was done, and I would never have to deal with these job seekers with brain problems again.

What's the matter.

But what he never expected was that his official dream had just begun.

Every day someone leaves, and every day the company's old employees come to him to complain.

Later, Lin Jiaxiang knew the specific reason, and these new employees simply refreshed him.

Three Views.

I just joined the company and didn't think about how to quickly adapt to the business ability, but went to chat with the old employees

, and also euphemistically build a good relationship!


Coming to work in the company is for you to work, not for you to make friends, even if you want to

Make friends, you have to wait after get off work.

If you don't work, the old employees still have to work~

That's not all, there are even more wonderful gardens!

Have you ever seen a big job bringing pets to work? Have you ever seen a whole tea set to come to work?

the social animal?

Lin Jiaxiang didn't know what other people were like, anyway, he had seen it in all the strange gardens.

Some department supervisors have warned these new employees several times in their eyes, but they were rejected by the new employees.

Hader had high blood pressure.

"Your company can't even have a cup of tea, so why not start a company! Also, you guys

My colleague and your boss are not gentle at all!"

After speaking, the new employee packed up his things directly, and in the messy eyes of everyone, ten

Leaving the company gracefully.

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