There have been several such incidents since

The talent market did some research to see if it was really their fault.

It turns out, however, that it wasn't them, but the new hires.

At this time, Lin Jiabu twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly as he heard that another employee had applied for resignation.

Written full of embarrassment.

To be honest, he somewhat regretted recruiting these new employees.

He took the position of deputy manager of the personnel department because of these new employees, but taking this position

After taking a position, I was complained by the heads of various departments every day, criticized my boss every day,

It's not as comfortable as the previous team leader position.

"All applications have been approved, hurry up and let these people get out!"

Lin Jiaxiang really can't take it anymore, and I wish these troublemakers would leave their jobs quickly, one by one.

There is not much work to do, but the wind of this card is rising very fast.

PS: Thanks to "136....85", *Qiuyun Xiange`, "q11....64", "Withering must be infinite

"Qingwang, "Ye Zhaozhao^" casual monthly pass, thanks to "Kamen Rider OhmaZi-0"

The reward for hitting people, thank you guys!!

I beg the big guys for more support, please 1 !!

| sigh | also

Hit the party to share the report

Chapter [-]: The struggle of the two-dimensional Cai workers (seeking support)

And this is far more than the Magic City Group, many companies have suffered

this situation.

“Madu Daily: Recently, a large number of employees of many companies have left, whether it is Xuan Gong or dissatisfaction with Fu Fu.


“Youth Report: What kind of work environment are job seekers looking for?”

“Net suppress news; employees are leaving in large numbers, dig deep into the reasons behind it.*

"Shocked Department; Shocked! Is it confidence or oppression after employees leave?!"

The news of the entry and exit came in droves, and a very detailed report was made on the appearance and existence of this hall monster.


Judging from the situation in today's society, an ideal position is definitely hard to find.

Yes, everyone is looking for a stable job, and this massive wave of resignations is rare.

With so many teenagers graduating from school and entering society every year, it can be said that the labor force is too simple.

Not bad

In this case, everyone should have squeezed their heads and found enough to support their families.

Work, and even many job seekers can helplessly accept the company for a job~

almost crushing contract

This kind of thing is not uncommon for a long time, otherwise this resignation incident

Nor will the media - so wildly report it.

"Hahaha, just guess the reason, you can't even guess it!

"*Cow batch, this is the real cattle batch, Pipi shrimp has been hurt~

"6666, this hand is really beautiful~

"233~ Others can't guess what's going on, but we can see it at a glance.

Who is the culprit!"

""Stay~ I am a big two-dimensional streamer, and I'm a big "newgame" streamer!"

The two-dimensional fans who saw this report laughed and laughed, and they were overjoyed.

If this phenomenon is not investigated in detail, even if you try to break your head, you will not be able to solve the case, but

Their two-dimensional circle is different, the culprit behind this kind of report almost glances at

recognized it.

That's right, the woman who caused this phenomenon was the woman with a lot of guilt - cool breeze and green leaves

The reason why these employees resign on a large scale is also because some job seekers actually work

After the work, I see that the gap between my ideal work environment and the actual work environment is too big

, which is unacceptable for a while.

Although everyone also understands that the working environment in "Newgame" is realistic

It's impossible, but everyone still has a little hope.

Don't pursue [-]% similarity, at least be similar!

So the fans who have watched "newgame" are deeply inspired, full of enthusiasm

Go to work, decide to contribute to the construction of the country, and contribute your own strength.

However, the reality is too backbone, this has participated in the work, let alone gentle colleagues and bosses

, not being scolded and deducted from wages every day is a burning incense.

So the fans saw it, this is so inappropriate, let's talk and laugh together


So resignation has become a matter of course, a matter of course.

It's just that the fans of the two-dimensional circle know what's going on, but those companies use

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