That's impossible! It doesn't work!

What is cheating?

Fraud, also known as fraud, refers to the use of fictitious facts and concealment of the truth in an effort to create a

A very relaxed and 'happy' atmosphere, and then take advantage of the other party's lack of vigilance,

The act of embezzling the property of the other party.

So the deception that the fans said is not true at all~

Am I fictitious?

No, I'm just making up stories!

Am I hiding the truth?


As for other conditions, it is even more untenable.

Therefore, Fangzheng does not think that he is deceiving fans at all. On the contrary, in order to make himself

's fans work hard and try to contribute to the building of the country, but it takes a lot of effort.

I rack my brains every day to do anime, this is not for your own good, what is it?

After Fangzheng's dynamic release, many fans who were still vomiting became quiet instantly after seeing it.


Then the message blowout erupted, after all, for their fans,

Especially for fans who have nothing to do every day during the holidays, there is nothing like 'new works'

The characters are more attractive.

All of a sudden, no one left a message under Fangzheng's feed saying that Fangzheng lied to them, nor did he

People complained, and the outlet quickly shifted to new works.

"New work? I knew that Fang Da Da suddenly appeared after diving for so many days, Ken

There will be surprises!"

"666, it's not worth waiting for so many days, I didn't wait in vain~!"

"Brothers gather tomorrow at seven!"

"On the basis that you are deeply aware of your mistakes and apologize with a new work.

, the old man will not hold you accountable for all the previous crimes!"

"It's like that Pipi shrimp cares about his crimes~"

When fans saw this dynamic, their mood instantly improved, and they were no longer good enough.

Don't be depressed anymore, don't worry about your wallet anymore.

Although Fangzheng always lied to them, this new work should be watched.

If you want to say why, of course it's because of the fragrance~!

"By the way, why did Fang Da suddenly announce the title of the new work?

What a conspiracy~"

"I can't, after so many anime baptisms, I don't think there is anything else that can be controlled.

Cut the old man!"

""The Dragon Maid of the Xiaolin Family"? Is there a big analysis of this~

"Analyze, you don't understand the title of next year? Isn't this Lin Zhengying's family?

Li Yunlong?!”

"Do you vomit, did you kill me upstairs and then inherit my admiral status?!"

"Li Yunlong of Lin Zhengying's family... ho, haha, this is the worst part of the two big bosses being hacked.

times, not one!"

How about saying that netizens have been talented since ancient times? This is not unfounded.

A group has always had its own sand sculpture attributes.

"The Dragon Maid of the Xiaolin Family", no matter how you look at it, the attention words should be in the three "Dragon Maid"


But this group of fans escaped from the building, and they played for thousands of miles.

In the eyes of sand sculpture fans, Kobayashi is equal to Lin Zhengying, and Long is equal to Li Yunlong.

As for the word 'maid' at the back, I don't know if the fans subconsciously ignored it.

Still don't make any sense.

If it is subconsciously ignored, it’s fine, at least it proves that everyone is sloppy, but this

The spirit is still relatively normal.

I'm afraid that fans are not subconsciously ignoring, but have other ideas.

For example, the one who shouted "Second battalion commander, you fucking Italian cannon, pull it up for Lao Tzu.

Tough guy here, and then associated with the word 'maid'...

Clear~ That scene is exciting when you think about it, and enjoyable when you think about it.

PS: Thank you for the monthly passes of "Guizhi Grey Shoes Village" and "ch....b", thank you boss!!

I beg the big guys for more support, please!! [-]

| voice | also

Chapter [-] Fans; I learned to be smart! (For support)

Knowing that Fangzheng is going to launch a new work, many fans are happy and spontaneous

ns share this worthy joy with his comrades

"Good news, brothers, Fang Da has released a new work!"

"What?! The dog thief finally made a new one? I'll contact you!"

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