"What name, what genre, when will it premiere?"

"Tomorrow at seven o'clock, name... Li Yunlong of Lin Zhengying's house!"


"What the hell is this name?!"

Don't mention how lively the fan group is, plus there are many fans who want to play pranks

Attacks, gag hires, the more and more outrageous things spread, this building is also more and more king!

"Brothers, the latest news, Fang Da's new work is coming, Lin Zhengying and Li Yunlong

The pinnacle of the two big bosses!"

"No, I don't read much, don't lie to "three four seven" me, is there any connection between these two people?"

"Stupid, what does Lin Zhengying do?"

"A ghost hunter~

"What about Li Yunlong?"

"Beat the devil~"

"do you understand?"


Among the fans in this group, the chatter of the smoke has made many fans who don't know why feel uncomfortable.

Although both of them have something to do with the word 'ghost', but this is a special


Are you more efficient in exterminating ghosts than these two bosses?

"Cough, serious, the new title is "The Dragon Maid of the Xiaolin Family", it's not a forest

Li Yunlong of Zhengying's family. "

"Emm~ I know this is not easy when I see the word maid."

"Previously lied to us to abduct Loli, then lied to us to be an admiral, and now lied to us again

Hire a maid?!"

"It's too much, the status of an admiral has emptied my family, where can I still have the money?

I'm going to hire a maid~

"Wake up, do you think your wife will let you hire a maid? Oh, sorry I forgot

, you don't have a wife!"

"I sue, you are a beast upstairs, after so many days of comradeship in arms, one of you

Words broke my defense, you know that!"

"Ming Mingming, if it weren't for Pippi Shrimp's phrase 'love is war', the old man would have found a girl long ago.

Tickets are up!""

Among the fans, because of the news that Fangzheng is about to withdraw from the new work, he instantly became chicken

Flying dog jumps.

Everyone talked about it, and the most discussed topic was the type of Founder's new work.

After all, Fangzheng, this Pippi shrimp, not only can't believe what he said, but even his animation works

You can't trust the labels!

"The Red Slash" was labelled with blood, and as a result, everyone looked at each and everyone with stunned eyes

When the girl dies, the abuser is called a life-and-death.

"When Prison Meal Comes to Me" is labeled as a must-see for macho men, and the result is very good

The normal people, one by one, became Lolicon, peeking at Xiao Luogong with a face full of idiots all day long,

Do as perverted.

"Miss Kaguya Wants Me To Confess" is still labelled as a love master. What's the result?

Kaguya Sigong and Baiyin can't solve their own problems, how can they teach him when they have time?

How do we fall in love.

It would be better to say that some fans have learned the routines in the anime and successfully returned to being a single dog.


There is also the "Fleet Collection" with the label of protecting human beings, which is explicit.

Label "overl", "Light Girl" with a music label, etc.

This label is seriously inconsistent with the content of the anime, that is, fans can't bear to report it,

Otherwise, none of these anime can escape!

Therefore, for Fangzheng's works, the label does not match the content, which is already recognized by fans

established fact.

"Seriously, when it comes to maids, it must be a girl~"

"Is there a man in a bullshit maid?!"

"I'm afraid you forgot a certain Pippi shrimp who disguised as a man, he was at the animation carnival.

The people who ruined all the audience at the scene~”

"Fall~ Women's clothing bosses shouldn't, right? Fang Da passed the song "Juhua Full of Mountains"

Warning, it shouldn't be so hard to taste~"

"It's hard to say, that Pipi shrimp is not only cheap, but also very revengeful~

"And most importantly, two-dimensional women's clothing is much more convenient than reality, isn't it?

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