"Pippi is, it's really yours, why am I speechless!"

"Xiao Lin is equal to the programmer, the programmer is equal to the community, the social animal is equal to the work, and the work is

If you will be tired, if you are tired and anxious, you will drink. If you drink, you will go to the deep mountains. If you go to the deep mountains, you will meet the dragon girl.

Servant... such a rigorous logic, I admire it! "

"Nonsense, the old man is the program nickel who just joined the job, and he woke up the next day after drinking.

Come and be a single dog!"

"Upstairs, that's because you didn't drink enough~"

"It's also possible that you are in a plain, without cities, and as we all know, dragons

The maid is to be lost in the deep mountains. "

"Understood, I'll go to work in the mountains and bring a box of Erguotou."

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! [-].

| voice | also

Chapter [-] It's hard to know until I've painted it! (For support)

"Anping, what are you doing, I miss you~"

"Don't be idle, I'm busy picking up dragons~!

“Did you want to die? 1 on”

Zhu Yuan, Xiuzhiyuan College, Ding Moyu looked at Shen Anping's reply, and immediately became angry

Rolled his eyes.

"Shen Anping, let me tell you, five minutes, five minutes if I can't see you in the classroom,

Don't come to see me!"


After finishing speaking, Ding Muyu hung up the phone and cursed Shen Aping for being rude.

As for what Shen Anping said about picking up dragons, Ding Muyu naturally knew very well.

Because yesterday, the two still watched "The Dragon Maid of the Xiaolin Family" together.

How can you not know about this widely circulated stalk among the fans.

Those single fans who hold this naive fantasy will just "Forget about June [-], you sink.

Anping has a girlfriend, what kind of dragon are you picking up~

Are you looking for a dragon maid too~!

Ding Muyu sat alone in the classroom and was sulking. It was originally Xiuzhiyuan today.

On the first day of the academy, she was looking forward to it and was very happy.

In the end, because of Shen Anping's words, her good mood was completely gone!

It has been a few days since the establishment of the school and the enrollment of Xiuzhiyuan College. The first batch of

Although there are not many students recruited, there are more than [-] students.

Among these two thousand people, most of them are young people, among them young people who are facing college graduation

accounted for [-]%.

After all, except for student groups facing employment, normal people in society would not risk that

What a big risk to resign and come for training.

Although Fangzheng has reduced their training costs to a minimum, almost nothing

what a difference.

But the society is so realistic, no one likes to be a social animal, but facing life

The pressure can only helplessly yield.

Similarly, the reason why everyone did not come to sign up is because of the pressure of life.

After all, resignation means risk. Before seeing the prospect of the two-dimensional industry,

Sa can enter this industry and support himself and the people behind him


The first batch of enrollment can have [-] people, which has exceeded Zhang Siyu's own expectations.

to far exceed.

And it has been a few days since the enrollment. During this time, I came to Xiuzhi Garden to study.

The students trained by the college have also adapted to it, and the staff have also arranged for everyone

life problems.

Everything is arranged, and today is the day of class.

Ding Muyu was extremely looking forward to it, although she didn't know it was the first time she taught herself and others a lesson today.

Who the people are, and what kind of courses will be taught.

But expectation is expectation. She longs to repay the person who once taught her after she has completed her studies.

A man pulled from the abyss of despair.

On the other side, when Shen Anping heard Ding Muyu's tone on the phone was not right, he smiled bitterly.

After a while, Shen Anping clenched his arms tightly as he looked at the employees of Company A lining up in front of him.

Pillow, and then quickly ran towards the direction of the academy.

Not long after, Shen Anping came to the classroom and found Ding Muyu who was still angry.

, if rain

Shen Anping knew that Ding Mushi was angry because of one of his jokes, and he knew that he was right.

Fang wasn't really angry, he just wanted to coax her.

This is the daily life of a young couple.

"What is this 2

Shuji Erqilai is a Lin physiologist who will add to the family harmony, and he will take care of it after the other party apologizes.

But when she saw the pillow in Shen Anping's arms out of the corner of her eyes, she tried to pretend

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