The anger had long since evaporated.

"Hey, this is the employee welfare pillow issued by the A company, it is said to be the latest anime "

The character in "The Dragon Maid of the Xiaolin Family", I'm not ashamed to ask someone for one

Shen Anping put the pillow on the table and sat next to Ding Muyu.

Ding Muyu News is about painting training, and he is also a professional in order to accompany Ding Muyu.

And he is a wage earner who dropped out of school early, if Fangzheng hadn't given them this opportunity

Yes, how could he possibly have the opportunity to receive training.

Therefore, Shen Anping has a very clear positioning for himself. He knows that he can't learn it.

In order to accompany Ding Muyu over here, he actually placed himself in the position of Ding Muyu's assistant.

Ding Muyu is definitely going to work in company A in the future, so he has no requirements, even if

It is also possible to go to the party's legitimate security guard. . . .

"Wow~ so cute!"

Ding Muyu hugged the pillow in doubt, and her pretty face kept rubbing against the pillow.

Seeing his girlfriend so happy, Shen Anping's mouth was filled with happiness.

Smile, it is worthwhile to go there and queue for a long time.

It's not in vain that I have the cheek to ask someone for a pillow.

This pillow is the employee benefit of the official employees of the company A. He Shen Anping can't be counted.

On track employees.

Ding Muyu looked at Shen Anping who was smirking, and detained him.

"Speak clearly in the future, why are you so misunderstood, are you pure?

Want to see me angry?!"

The staff knew what Shen Anping meant when he was busy picking up dragons, and he was so angry.

At a glance.

The two were tired of playing together, and the students in the classroom came one after another.

It is sitting in the seat, waiting for the lecturer to come.

Everyone is young, and they all like the second dimension very much, discussing the work of the A club with each other

characters and their favorite characters.

Everyone is very curious about today's class.

Including Ding Muyu, they all want to see the so-called technical training of company A and the normal

What is the difference in painting.

The style of the two-dimensional painting is very different from the traditional painting technique. It seems very simple.

The lines are also very simple, but only after you have drawn them do you know how difficult it is. 4.6

The simpler the lines are, the more difficult it is to draw. Ding Muyu is also imitating some.

After the characters in the anime, I realized this truth.

It seems to be a very simple painting technique, but it is no exaggeration to say that the painting is slightly worse.

After all, the characters you draw are far from the finished product you imagine in your mind.

The layman sees the hot leisure, the expert sees the doorway, and only knows the difficulty after describing it with his own hands.

, this is still the result of her copying the characters in the anime.

Think of Fangzheng, characters with different styles are born under his pen, and each

The characters all perfectly highlight their personalities and personalities. The gap between them is not

A little and a half.

PS: Run and ask the big guys for more support, please! ! ! .

| sigh | also

Hit the party to share the report

Chapter [-] The first lesson (seeking support)

The students sat in the classroom and waited, but they never saw the lecturer.

Just when many people were waiting impatiently, footsteps finally sounded at the door.

Wen Sheng looked around, and saw a figure that they had never imagined appeared there.

"Yo~ everyone came very early~

Fang Zheng walked into the classroom with a smile, then stood on the podium and glanced at the classroom.

The people inside greeted everyone with a smile on their faces.

Fangzheng glanced at it briefly, except for Ding Muyu and Shen Anping, who were together, the other

are very unfamiliar faces.

But looking at these energetic students, Fang Zheng was very satisfied.

Now these people may not understand anything, but in the near future, as long as they are willing to learn

, these people will become the earliest batch of painters in the second dimension.

"As for me, I won't introduce myself, I think everyone knows my identity, see

I, what should everyone shout 2"

Fang Zheng looked at the students under the stage with a smile, and stood on the podium calmly.

It's strange, although he was giving a lecture for the first time in two lifetimes, but he didn't.

There was no discomfort, and no tension whatsoever.

"Fang Da I love you!"

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