Lifespan? 1"

"I think the emperor needs to have a story in the end, should it be that Thor's mother is a human, or

How does he know that?"

Fans have very complicated feelings towards Emperor Yan. As soon as this old dragon appeared, he was very tough.

After leaving Thor, fans have no good feelings for this domineering final Zhendi.

Later, seeing that Emperor Zhongzong actually threatened him with force, he was even more disliked by him.

But in the end, when the end Zai Di left, the sighing 'My stupid girl

Ah, but it shocked fans.

Just imagine, how can there be a father who does not love his children, maybe sometimes the father

A character is always stronger, maybe he just needs a step down.

For the idea of ​​the last emperor, some rational fans have already understood.

To find out the root cause, or the human lifespan of less than a hundred years, for the dragon family, it is really

is too short.

Now the relationship between the trustee and Kobayashi is getting deeper, and when Kobayashi's lifespan is approaching in the future,

Thor is more miserable.

This is like a pair of lovers who are clear to each other, from acquaintance to acquaintance, from acquaintance to love

, from the green years to the old age, decades of ups and downs, the original romance

And sweetness has long since sublimated.

Lovers who have relied on each other for decades, to the last moment of separation, it is always painful


The one who goes first is happy because he or she doesn't need to experience that kind of company.

The heart-wrenching feeling of the death of my beloved for decades.

The one who is alive is the most painful, watching with his own eyes his lover died because his lifespan was exhausted.

In his arms, that feeling is really unbearable for ordinary people.

The reason why Emperor Yan did not agree with his daughter being with Xiao Lin was probably the most important reason.

It is this worry.

0.… ask for flowers

There is no doubt that he loves his daughter, and it is because of love that he wants to separate Xiaolin and He.

Thor, because he knows that human lifespan will be exhausted first, and then the pain is

own daughter.

It is precisely because of this that with the thought that long pain is worse than short pain, the emperor finally decided to play the role.

A villain's character.

It's just that he didn't expect that Thor and Xiaolin were so persistent.

The last sentence, "My Sichun's daughter," contains both helplessness and sympathy for her own daughter.

I just hope that when that day comes, you won't be too sad.

At the end of the anime, Emperor Yan retreats, which is a tacit acceptance of the relationship between Xiaolin and Thor, while Xiaolin

Lin also decided to take Thor back to his hometown to have a look.

Seeing this, the fans finally breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, this is a

Happy ending.

"Hey, I see a lily being fed dog food, and there's no one left~"

"Having seen Thor's father, Xiaolin wants to take Thor home again, this is to see the parents


"Didn't you find out? Thor, Kobayashi and Connor, why not?

It's a family of three!"

"After watching this anime, I summed it up, in fact, it is a pair of lily one

To the base, one is looking at the murder weapon, a pair of loli are in a hurry, and a foodie is watching a play. "

"The real Nima summed up upstairs is incisive!"

"So... the daughter that Long had adopted for tens of thousands of years was abducted so easily??"

After watching this anime, fans are a little vomited, and their emotion is also Ludo.

The biggest emotion among them is probably the strong thirst for knowledge of the fans.

For example, what is Kobayashi's full name? What did Alkoya do to his sister when he was drunk?

What? Another example is the wife of Emperor Zhangan, which is Thor's mother, is it a dragon or a human?

Or what was Kang Na's prank doing to make the dragons ruthlessly banish her?

Also, did Fafner and his girlfriend sleep together at night?

These questions are simply too important for fans, and if they don't understand, they

I feel like I've watched this anime in vain!

PS: Run and ask the big guys for more support, please! ! !

| sigh | also

Hit the party to share the report

Chapter [-] I saw loneliness (for support)

Company A's latest work "The Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi Family" is over, Thor, Kona and others

Long Niang is a big fire, Youqi is Kang Na, and the cuteness and shade of Neiji Ye are simply conquered

All fans who have watched this anime

I don't even know when it started or who spread it first, a

Kang Gu's version of 'Evil Dragon's Roaring Emoji' is popular all over the Internet.

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