Words such as foodie, short legs, etc. have become popular labels of Kangdao, and I don’t know how much

Few people.

At the same time, it is not only the Yin of Kang Dao who is on fire, but also words such as sister and dragon.

Widespread in the two-dimensional map

And a few days after the end of this anime, an article "What did you see? I saw it"

The article "Mu Du" spread in the second yuan sedan chair

"The Dragon Maid of the Xiaolin Family" is undeniable, this is a very good part of "Husband Sansan"

In anime, characters such as Thor, Kona, Kobayashi, and Erkoya have distinct personalities, but

Apart from daily life, do you have any other insights?

At the beginning of the story, the whole process of Kobayashi's encounter with Thor is explained, which seems to be a wine game.

The murder caused by drunkenness, but behind it is interspersed with Fang Da's thoughts on other worlds, giant dragons, etc.

Description of surreal fantasy elements.

The anime is based on the unified Wenzhi's daily life, and the difference between dragon maid and human identities brings about

And the tension in the stock market, as well as the Japanese-party interaction of gag and banquets, have also been handled.

However, in my opinion, Wen Zhizhi is certainly the attractive place for Mei Lalong.

It is this happy everyday young queen who seems to have no ambition, but this work always exudes a kind of

The faint sadness of if there is nothing, if it is drawn

For example, a very simple question, why are Kobayashi and Thor attracted to each other?

It's really just because Kobayashi Yumoto helped Thor by accident and said something casually.

Are you coming to my house?

These can be said to be the intentional settings of Fang Da, but other than that, I think the most important

What's important is that both Kobayashi and Thor are inherently very lonely characters, and maybe that's the reason

where the root lies.

Maybe many people don't agree with the loneliness I said, because this anime gives the feeling that

Lively and cheerful, this is the first feeling of the majority of fans, and it is also Fang Da who has always been prominent

the result of.

But in my opinion, the attribute of loneliness is real.

The first is Xiaolin. From the dynamic temperature, we can easily see that this is a mature social person.

Every day is basically a life of two o’clock and one line, go to work, go home, sleep, and then the next day.

Go to Work.

It goes on and on, living alone in an apartment, eating dinner alone, dealing with

Just code and endless bugs.

In a word, Xiaolin is a contemporary young man who came to the big city alone in reality to work hard.

The new year will really take pictures!

Mature and reliable, this is the label of a man, and dare to come to a strange honesty alone

A young man who works hard is definitely an achievement

It can be said that Xiaolin is the epitome of many young people.

There are no other activities, leaving home and family, a monotonous and boring personal life

It is the mainstream, and the oppressed work life is the norm.

In Xiao Lin's body, the loneliness and helplessness of wandering young people are highlighted, isn't it

Is it the epitome of countless young people who work independently?

And looking at Thor, born as a dragon, he is undoubtedly very powerful, but the dragon's body

In addition to giving her incomparably powerful strength, it also brought endless battles

Fighting, endless fighting with gods and people, until death, a destiny that is visible at a glance

Doomed to a lonely life.

Despite the power level, Thor both in his own world and in Kobayashi's world

The world may be the little hand at the top of the pyramid.

But in terms of personal freedom, she is not even as good as the one she encountered when she first came to Xiaolin's house

Those two clumps.

A good thief can also choose whether to continue doing bad things or doing good things, but Thor

There is only one way for her, and that is to fight, and even if she is filthy, she will be found.

Thor, although he has a free wife in the sky, he can't escape his fate

applied machine lock.

Thor is powerful, but it is because of his power that he is feared by people, my friend

Words may be a hope to her, this is the loneliness of the strong.

Therefore, after Thor reached Xiaolin, the two hearts slowly approached, as if

Fate deliberately arranged for two lonely souls to come together, with a romantic

color 0

The appearance of Thor made Xiaolin's lonely life a little bit of Sizhou, even if

I still go home from work every day, but the scenery along the way is already full of colors.

For Thor, Kobayashi not only gave her a place in this world, but also

It gave her a warmth called a friend.

It can be said that the encounter between Thor and Kobayashi gave Thor the opportunity to choose for the first time in his life.

Go back to the original world to fight, or stay here and become a maid and live with Kobayashi


Clearly, Thor chose the former.

Maybe the lifespans of people and dragons are not equal, but with you and the present, this is not the most beautiful


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