This is completely to restore life completely, sleep, eat at school, even

Even pets are allowed.

And the walnuts over there, are you planning to do farm work?

If so, then I would like to call you the strongest!

The Ministry of Life, as expected, these beautiful girls have realized the true meaning of life and are able to support themselves~

"Oh my god, watching these beautiful girls eat, I'm rusty!"

"Hahaha, smart as I already ordered a takeaway~"

“emm~ fried chicken wings are delicious!”

"Qia, you guys are all beasts~!"

Looking at the daily eating routine of Yuki and others in the anime, fans are envious.

Look at people, there are a few people laughing and laughing at meals, plus a little milk dog Taro

Maru barked on the side.

Take a look at yourself, go home and have a solitary person, dinner can be dealt with hastily

It's done in one fell swoop.

The same people, why is the difference so big~!

"When Yuki eats, 27 should also chew slowly~

Yuri looked at Yuki who was gobbling down, and at Miki who was eating very elegantly,

Involuntarily, he began to preach to Yuki.

Yuki, who was preached by Yuri, immediately started to imitate Miki when he was eating.

The holy light that was conquered by the delicious food on the face when eating was exactly the same.

Seeing this scene, fans burst into laughter.

"It's amazing, you can eat a meal with the taste of Gaoguang, how delicious is this~"

, "A single Italian noodle can taste like a full meal, Pippi shrimp really has yours

"How much sponsorship is given by Italian noodles, I will double it for donkey meat fire!"

"Am I the only one who thinks Yuuki is a sack?"

"It can't be said that I dare, I always feel like a child who hasn't grown up."

Fans looked at Yuki and gradually reacted.

From this short-lived every move, Yuki's stunning lack of independent life is portrayed.

There is no doubt about the joy, all the details show that this girl is far from her appearance age.

The heart is more like a little child who needs to be taken care of.

Compared to Yuki, Yuri, Miki and Walnut are much more mature and naturally a lot.

And I don't know if my aesthetics have become higher, fans always feel that Yuki is naive

It seems to be portrayed too deliberately, as if it was intentional, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Natural feeling.

Many fans are aware of this, but out of the trust of each other,

No one complained.

After all, according to past experience, Fangzheng, this Pipi shrimp, has an extremely bad personality.

, but in the aspect of animation production, it can be said that it strives for perfection, and every detail strives for perfection.

Otherwise, fans would not have the reputation of being a detail madman. From this, it can be seen that,

Fangzheng's animation production is the pursuit of the best.

At the very least, Fangzheng has produced so many animes, in the eyes of fans, there has never been any

There is a very obvious flaw in one, which makes them feel very uncomfortable.

And even if it's an anime genre that fans don't like, it's just because they don't like it

It's just that it's not that the animations made by Founder have quality problems.

Therefore, when many fans found that Fangzheng was a little embarrassed about Yuki's portrayal

Every family is looking for problems in themselves, but they don't think it's the cause of Fangzheng.

In the eyes of fans, maybe only I feel this way, and others see it as normal.

Therefore, this detail was perfectly missed by fans.

If there are smart people, combined with the weirdness of the previous classroom brand, combined with this school

The weirdness that was revealed by intention, when thinking about Yuki's character, it is easy to spot the signs.

Although you can't guess the result once you say it, you will at least arouse some doubts.

However, fans don't think about it in this regard, they are immersed in the warmth shown in the anime

Zhi daily went.

"By the way, isn't it time for Yuki today?"

Yuri looked at Yuuki still imitating Miki's meal, and couldn't help but remind her.


Hearing Yuuri's words, Yuuki remembered that she should be on duty today.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

The graceful eating didn't last long, and Yuki returned to the savage stance,

After eating his breakfast quickly, he ran towards the classroom.

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