"Ha~~I didn't even have a voice and went on playing~"

The walnut on the side looked at Yuuki's eating and couldn't help but vomit.

"Hahaha, it's too real, the same is true for the old man eating noodles!"

"Why are you a man, okay? Men are so late and rough, girls still don't

want one

"Because of Mao, I feel that Yuuki's food is not only not at all unpleasant, but also has a kind of embarrassment.

The name is so cute~!"

"Upstairs, that's because your three views followed the five senses~!"

"Instead of a real ugly girl, I'm afraid you won't want to see it a second time!"

Fans have ridiculed Yuki's eating style.

, portrayed too real.

Even some fans have made malicious guesses, thinking that Yuki's way of eating is similar to that of Yuki.

Fangzheng is the same, the two are in the same line, otherwise how would 243 Fangzheng know

so clear?

"I have become very fond of school recently, I might say that I am strange, but the school is very strong


Yuki started her inner monologue while running towards the classroom.

"The physics lab has a whole bunch of weird machinery, the music classroom has beautiful instruments and

Horrible portraits, radio studios, school stages, what's in school, it's almost

It's like a country!"

Listening to Yuuki's inner monologue, the fans were speechless, and the corners of their mouths twitched directly.

Especially some student parties, they admit that the school does have these classrooms, but most of them

The points are all out of the state of perennial ban.

"How much Yuki likes school!"

"If I had half Yuki like school, I guess I would have focused on it long ago!"

"The student party said that the school's physics laboratory has never been opened!"

"It's so real, and there is also a music classroom, obviously there are music lessons on the schedule, but

The old man has never even seen the face of the music teacher~!"

"The ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, the school is colorful, the old man's school

There is only endless work in life. "

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! 1 !!

| Bar | Three

Chapter [-]: Strong sense of disobedience (seeking support)

Listening to Yuki's monologue, fans started to complain one by one.

After all, no matter whether you are a student or a member of the society, everyone is from their student days.

Those who came here, especially before college, were simply a dream of the student days.

This situation only improved slightly in college years.

Of course, it is only a slight improvement. If you are studying for a postgraduate study, studying abroad, etc., then

Then your college career will not be much easier, and even more tiring.

But if it is just to mix a diploma, it is relatively simple and easy.

"Think about such a strange building, there is only school, we like schools, and every day

live here!"

Yuki still kept running towards her classroom, but she was hit by a beautiful woman halfway.

One stopped.

“Sister Chi 1!”

"Don't call me Sister Jing, call me Sakura-sensei!"

Chi looked at Yuki, who was in a panic, and reminded him.

"Yuki-san, you can't run in the corridor any more~ The truth is, I called you for so long just now..."

Yuki looked at Shiba with some embarrassment, scratched his head and said.

"Sister Ci's presence is too low, I didn't notice it~"

Yuuki's words made Ci break the defense, and his face became depressed in an instant.

He didn't care about lecturing Yuuki, but instead squatted on the side by himself and felt sorry for himself.

"666, how to let others break the defense with one sentence!"

"The first few are still students, the old man can't tell, but now I see such beautiful

Teacher, the old man must say...wife!!"

"You upstairs are thinking about peaches, Sister Ci is mine!"

"Such a lovely teacher....why my student life can't be touched?! 1 "

"Why, when I meet you, I still want to have a relationship with you?!"

Sister loquat's debut has successfully made even the fans lurking in the fans break out one by one

The water revealed his true colors.

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