"Have had 1!"

Yuki threw her schoolbag in the classroom because she was chasing Taromaru.

Everyone in the life department said hello and went back to the classroom to get their schoolbags.

"Are you alright~"

Seeing Yuki, the classmates asked with concern. After all, Yuki was looking for the reason (c

hee) You can because of physical discomfort.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yuuki is alive and kicking, she is very healthy.

"Instigate 3

Hearing this, Yuki avoided it.

Seeing Yuuki's expression, the classmates looked at her and greeted her.

"Didn't you go to the infirmary?"

"Is it a bamboo class?"

"Really fox alone~!"

Yuki chatted with her classmates, talked about Taromaru, and told everyone about Taromaru

It was mischievous, which made everyone laugh.

And at this moment, Yuki happily told everyone about Taromaru's intelligence and cuteness

At that time, Miki came to the classroom and stood at the door.

The afterglow of the setting sun at dusk filled the classroom, and Miki stood at the door and looked at Yuuki's back.

Ying, opened his mouth several times, but returned all the words that came to his mouth.

After repeating this several times, Miki finally couldn't help it.


With Miki, the acoustic sister, the screen of the anime play page went black, and the first episode of the anime ended.


Seeing that the screen suddenly went black, fans got used to it for a while, and then they tightened their eyes before reacting.

Come over, this first episode of the anime is over~

However, fans soon realized that something was wrong, you and the anime are only [-] minutes old

It's over, what about the remaining minutes?

Cutting corners can't be like this~

"I'm in touch, what kind of snake skin is Fang Da doing~!"

"I didn't understand the whole process, I don't know what these people are for, there is no clear

Goal, I'm so sick of seeing it!"

"The characters are as beautiful as ever, but this story... let's not mention it~! "

"To be honest, this anime is not at all like before, it didn't make me feel very strong at all.

The desire to keep watching!"

Fans saw the very end of the first episode of "Academic Island" animation, one by one

Such as gills in the throat, there is a feeling of unpleasant spit.

As fans say, this anime is nothing like its predecessors.

In the previous works, fans will be looking forward to the next episode after watching one episode.

Tianxin is like a cat fluttering, just looking forward to the next episode coming sooner.

But after watching "School Island", fans didn't have that feeling.

Although this daily lily fan still gives people a very warm and healing feeling, but

Its story is completely unattractive, and some fans even think that it will not continue.

It doesn't matter.

This discovery also made many fans sigh, is it true that their previous actions are true?

It made Fang Zheng feel angry.

PS: Thank you for the monthly passes of "Yue Ying Ji" and "186....03".Thank you "Yue Ying Ji" for the reward

, thank you for your support! ! !

I beg the big guys for more support, and please! ! ! .

| Voice | Three

Party training report

Chapter [-] Initial d (For support)

Yi Jinpeng listened to Fangzheng's words, his eyes were bright, and the expression he looked at Fangzheng was the same.

more and more surprises.

They came here today to talk about cooperation, but unexpectedly they got an unexpected result.

Hi, it looks like they really got it right this time!

However, although Yi Jinpeng is very excited, he also knows that there is no free lunch in the world.

What's more, Fangzheng is here.

Having experienced the confrontation just now, he has long stopped treating Fang Zheng as a young man.

It is to put the other party on an equal position with himself, or even higher.

So Yi Jinpeng was surprised and a little worried at the same time.

He was very optimistic about this cooperation.

"Fang Dong, is everything you said true?"

Yi Jinpeng has a little ambition, since he has been in the position of "[-]" for so many years,

It was the first time I felt this feeling.

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