"Of course, otherwise why do you think I'm sitting here? Am I kidding you?"

Fang Zheng rubbed his shoulders and looked at Yi Jinyue with a smile.

He proposed that these cooperation plans are not to act as saints and saviors, but to have

With his own little abacus.

First, once the cooperation is launched, his profits will definitely be indispensable, and in addition to granting

You don't need to invest too much money at all.

Secondly, these car manufacturers have more or less official shadows in them.

The act of kindness can be regarded as a disguised investment, at least it will make a good impression.

This is definitely a safe and profitable business in Xia Kingdom, and it is also the big deal that Fangzheng values ​​most.

To be honest, he has no shortage of money, at least before the A company has no big moves.

, his money is definitely enough.

Quanguan and let Quankebu Fangzheng naturally won't let this go


'Fang Dong, let's open up and talk, what are your requirements?"

Yi Jinpeng gritted his teeth and looked at Fangzheng, the pain on his face was obvious, he was done.

Ready to be slaughtered.

Fang Zheng looked at Yi Jinpeng's expression and was speechless.

Did I have the words 'I am a profiteer' written all over my loser?

I haven't said anything, and I think I'll be a lion?

"There are not so many requirements, I want [-]% of the profit, and the licensing fee is discussed separately, that's all

Fang Zheng's tone of voice was calm and calm. What he valued was not profit, but the car factory.

business this industry.

Thinking about it, Fang Zheng felt a little emotional. He has been in this world for about a year.

His status is no longer comparable to shoes, and his worth can't be compared to what he used to be, but he has always

I have not forgotten my original intention.

Promote two-dimensional culture and create a hall of two-dimensional culture

Is this grand plan relying on him alone, or is it a company from company A?

Yes, all walks of life are required to participate, and the more companies, the better.

This is why Fangzheng was the founder of the cooperation with music platforms, outdoor product companies, etc.

Want a reason.

The same is true for the current car manufacturers. What he looks at is not profit, but the car industry.

The role of industry in promoting the two-dimensional culture.

As a very popular means of transportation, the mobility and comfort of automobiles are very

The first choice for multi-family, if you use the car to promote the two-dimensional culture, it is definitely a

Very good deal.

"Fang Dong, are you kidding me?"

When Yi Jinpeng heard Fang Zheng's words, the expression on his face was a little dull, and his eyes were full of words.

Can't believe it.

Although the [-]% profit is a lot, it is still within the range they can still bear.

The authorization fee is what Fangzheng deserves.

It can be said that Fangzheng's request is no different from what they said before.

When Yu gave them a few cooperation plans for nothing.

For Fangzheng, these few cooperation plans may be a matter of a few words, but

For their car manufacturers, this is a way to break the dominance of the brand.


It is not an exaggeration to say that Fangzheng's words are worth thousands of dollars, and there are even more than that.


"I have no reason to lie to you, you need two-dimensional culture to help your sales,

I need to use your channels to promote the two-dimensional culture, and everyone is mutually beneficial. "

Fangzheng didn't hide anything, this matter is not so secret, just a little

If you think about it for a while, anyone with a little brain can figure it out.

_.Instead of hiding it, it is better to say it openly, so as to show your sincerity of cooperation.

Yi Jinpeng and the others looked at each other a few times, and there was a strong sense of disbelief in the gods.

I thought that Fangzheng would speak loudly, but he didn't expect what he deserved.

Fangzheng didn't make any progress at all.

This made Yi Jinxian a little embarrassed, and felt that he looked at his son with the heart of a villain.


'Fang Dong, we will discuss this cooperation when we go back, and I will do my best to say

To serve the board of directors, I am very optimistic about this cooperation plan! "

Yi Jinjing was so excited that it was hard to control her, the calm demeanor she had when they first met has completely disappeared.


The auto industry has been interrupted by foreign payments for so many years, and now they finally see the light

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