"People~ What do you mean by saying Fang Da Da? You won't really want to list A company~"

"Put it down, Pippi Shrimp's character will never be listed, it's smart!"

"I hope not to go public. Once capital is integrated, the two-dimensional circle will easily change its taste.

Yes, refer to the rice circle. "

"I'm just curious about Pippi Shrimp asking why we don't trade stocks?"

PS: Luqiu bosses have a lot of support, and please! ! .

four | sigh | also

Hit the party to share the report

Four hundred and seventy-fourth Zhang Fangdong, you are a bit uninteresting. (Seeking support)

Ever since Fangzheng posted a Weibo update asking fans if they were speculating in stocks.

After that, the wind direction became very confusing.

Soon, I don't know where it came from. Company A wants to raise funds and go public because of funding problems.

news spread.

This news instantly attracted the attention of all parties, especially in the profit of company A, everyone has a purpose.

In the case of all seeing.

It is no exaggeration to say that Company A is an absolutely unmatched leader in the two-dimensional industry, and

He is the only big brother. As long as Company A does not fail, Company A will always have the final say in the two-dimensional industry.

Many people are aware of this, and this is also why many powerful companies want to enter the second

The main reason why the dimensional industry has been slow to act.

After all, no one knows how deep the water in the two-dimensional industry is.

will allow them to enter.

Under this circumstance, the news that Company A is going to raise funds and go public suddenly came out. How could it not be cited?

Get everyone's attention.

On the Internet, this unwarranted news spread rapidly, and Fangzheng had already started.

I'm preparing for the production of "My Youth Love Story as expected".

540 Toot Na Na ~

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of Fangzheng's office. Fangzheng looked up and saw Chen Xianting.

He walked in in professional attire.

"Xianting, what's wrong, what's the matter?

Fang Zheng stopped his work and frowned slightly when he looked at the other party.

"Director Fang, many companies with which we have a cooperative relationship have sent people over to meet guests.

Waiting in the hall, do you want to see me?"

Chen Xianting looked at the mess on Fang Zheng's desk, and immediately knew that she had disturbed Fang Zheng.


So she didn't buy any ties, she went straight to the topic and said things directly.

Fang Zheng frowned even more when he heard this, Chen Xianting's words made him a little confused.

Silly, don't know what happened.

There are many companies that have cooperative relations with Company A, but on weekdays, except for some work

Outside of the matter, the communication is not so close, why is it all here today.

And listening to Chen Xianting's meaning, it's still not bad.

Such a strange thing makes Fang Zheng a little suspicious, and he has some doubts in his heart that these people are here.

What exactly is the intent.

(cefh) You must know that these people are all executives of a company, and they are very

Busy, why do you have time to run here today?

Fang Zheng thought about it, but he didn't understand it, and no one could think of it because he was inadvertent.

The words were actually misinterpreted like that.

Besides, he is asking about his fans, so the so-called buying stocks is not that in reality.

A stock market meaning.

So, Fang Zheng didn't think it was normal.

Fang Zheng packed up the things on the table, then got up and led Chen Xianting towards the meeting.

Go to the living room.

Along the way, many employees saw Fang Zheng and greeted him with great respect. Fang Zheng also

He smiled and nodded in response, and the working atmosphere seemed very harmonious.

Not long after, Fang Zheng came to the living room, and sure enough he saw a lot of people inside.

drinking tea and chatting together.

"You are all busy people. What kind of wind is blowing you to me today?"

Everyone is acquaintances, so when Fangzheng naturally reads people at night, he doesn't need to introduce them one by one.

He immediately walked into the room with a smile, greeted everyone, and sat down with a smile.

"Fang Dong, you are not funny, we really treat you as a friend, you

Why didn't you inform us about such a big incident~"

"That's right, we are in a cooperative relationship, just say something directly!"

Ban "Fang Dong, I have prepared a lot of funds this time, as long as you speak, you will immediately

in place!"

Listening to everyone in the living room, Fang Zheng was even more confused.

What are you talking about~!

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