What does it mean that I am not interesting? What else means that the funds will be in place as soon as I open the door?

Do I have 'I'm poor' written all over my face?

Fang Zheng was a little unsure, and looked suspiciously at Chen Xianting, but saw

Even Chen Xianting was at a loss, not knowing what happened.

"Listen, then, who can tell me what happened?"

Now it was the other people's turn to be dumbfounded. Everyone looked at Fang Zheng in surprise.

Then there were some whispers.

"Fang Dong, you don't know?"

In the end, it was Yi Jinpeng who couldn't help it first, and asked Fang Zheng with a puzzled face.

"What do I know? Or what should I know?"

Fangzheng spread his palm speechlessly, in response to the arrival of Yi Jinpeng, Kang Jiaming and others

, he himself was confused.

Even Fang Zheng maliciously guessed whether these people were just idle and had nothing to do.

Run here to get enough tea, and then wait until the evening, treat yourself to a meal?

But they are all big guys, so they shouldn't be down to this level~

"Fang Dong, didn't you say that company A is going to raise funds and go public?"

Kang Jiaming looked at Fang Zheng's blank face, and knew in his heart that Li was afraid of poverty.

Son, but this question is still asked.

After all, they are here today for this matter, and they have prepared a lot of funds.

Where did you hear that, do you think I'm short of money? Why should I be fine?

Fang Zheng was even more speechless when he heard this.

Wouldn't it be bad to let company A be a one-stop shop, why should we set up a board of directors?

Block yourself?

Because of money?!

Fang Zheng doesn't care about the situation, he has many ways to make money, and he is not short of money now.

"That morning, Dong Fang, your news..."

With Yi Jinpeng's explanation, Fangzheng finally understood what was going on.

Love is a dynamic of one's own that has been misunderstood by others.

I have to say this is ironic.

"I believe you can believe it? You won't investigate it yourself?"

Feeling Fangzheng's gaze like a jerk, Yi Jinpeng, Kang Jiaming and the others all turned around.

Overhead, don't look at Fangzheng.

Grandma's, this time I lost it to my grandmother's house. As soon as I heard that Company A was going to raise funds and go public, he

They ran over, but they didn't mean it at all.

If I knew it earlier, I had investigated it in advance, and it turned out to be such a big oolong!

Yi Jinpeng and other company executives came and went quickly, and they came full of expectations.

, embarrassed when he got lost.

In the final analysis, they are too anxious. If they understand in detail, they will not

There will be this.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! !

time | voice | also

Reward share report

Chapter [-]: The Oolong Incident (For Support)

After an Oolong incident, Zhang Siyu always received calls from some venture capital funds.

The words made Zhang Siyu very annoying, but he couldn't shut down.

In desperation, Zhang Siyu reported the matter to Fangzheng, and wanted Fangzheng to clarify something.


And Fang Zheng also had a wry smile on his face. There was a specific reason that things were a bit dramatic, and even

Secretary Zou of Magic City heard the wind and called to ask Fang Zheng what was going on.

When he knew that the news was just misunderstood, Secretary Zou breathed a sigh of relief, and then

He even told Fangzheng again and again not to let Company A go public easily if possible.

If it is a question of funds, Company A can go to the bank for a loan, wait a minute, Zou Shu

I remember a lot.

Although Fangzheng still doesn't know why Secretary Wu always reminds him not to go public easily,

But he himself had no such idea at all.

After going through Secretary Zou's phone inquiries, Fang Zheng, in desperation, asked the official Bo Liu Che to respect him.

A clarification was posted over there, and things stopped.

For the crazy news on the Internet, many fans of company A naturally know this.

Originally, everyone was worried that there would be other capital flowing into the secondary market. After all, capital

Everyone knows the essence of the capital, the fate of capital entering the second dimension, just thinking about it will make people feel


So fans hate to resist the inflow of other capital into the second dimension, let alone financing to A


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