The thrill and heat Xu boiling.

And some fans went straight to the new anime "My Youth Lijing Story" as expected

"Let's go, I want to see what Fangzheng's latest work is for the first time.

look like.

Moreover, many people are also very interested in the stock speculation that Fang Zheng said.

At seven o'clock, the two animes officially started broadcasting, choose to watch "My Youth in Kyoto"

There is a problem with the language" fans, patiently waiting for the release of the new work.

Finally, in the eyes of fans looking forward to it, "My Youth Love Story really has questions.

Question" appeared on the homepage of the A company's platform.

"Is your youth really that beautiful?"

There is such a sentence at the bottom of the anime. Fans have seen it before they even clicked in. This

It's the first time that this thing has appeared in the A company's animation history.

Many fans see this sentence as a cloud of mist, youth is not beautiful, is it old age?

Is life beautiful?

Chang Ran couldn't figure out who wrote this or what it meant, but

It seems that Pippi Shrimp is very concerned about this anime

Ah ~

With this kind of thought in mind, fans clicked into the anime one after another, wanting to see Fangzheng's recommendation

What's different about his works, or what's special about them!

Since the establishment of the A company, there are many classic animations that have been published, but

No anime has been treated like this yet...

This discovery made fans even more curious, and there are indeed questions in "The Story of My Youth"

"Title" can be treated so specially by Pippi, it must have its unique charm.

Entering the animation, the screen turned, and slowly a sentence appeared on the screen.

"The so-called youth is a lie and a sin."

After this and the sentence, a dark-haired student got up from his seat in the library, grabbed

own bag.

The most impressive thing about the boy is his eyes, the typical dead fish eyes.

This pair of eyes made fans remember this boy for the first time.

Library management, there are friends who chat with each other hotly, there are lovers who are attached to each other, teenagers

Seeing such a scene, he laughed disdainfully, turned and walked towards the door.

"Those who praise youth, deceive themselves to Portuguese all the time, 1.6 are willing to the surrounding

Everything maintains a positive attitude, as long as it is related to the word youth, they

It can distort all concepts of production and social common sense. "

Following the boy's inner monologue, the boy slowly walked in the corridor of the school and saw some

The books held by the drifting schoolgirls were scattered on the ground, but the teenager turned a blind eye to them.

walk in front.

This change made many fans feel at a loss, and they should not go to help at this time, and then take advantage

Want a way to get in touch?

Within half a minute of the anime's beginning, fans began to complain.

How much this person hates youth~

Although the inner monologue of the teenager is very profound, fans can also understand a general idea, then

It's this dead fish-eyed boy who hates youth!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, and please! ! ! !

Chapter [-] The big teacher comes up and is a set of cards (seeking support)

"In their eyes, lies, concealment, even crime and failure, are nothing more than

It's just the spice of youth, and if failure is the proof of youth, then..."

"Those who fail to make friends should be the most youthful, right?"

"But presumably they won't admit it, because it's all for their own sake.

Made up at will and at will!"

Fans listened to the boy's twists and turns, and finally understood.

The fans who understood it suddenly admired this young man, because they suddenly felt that

What this young man said was correct.

"I contacted, I obviously think what he said is wrong, but I don't know how to refute~"

"Failure is the proof of youth, so those who can't make friends are failures, so

Talent is the most youthful...I always feel that something is not right!"

"Of course there's something wrong! Who didn't make a few friends when they were young, even if they were

It's okay to have friends on the bright side~"

"But did he say 24 wrong? If so, what's wrong?!"

"Understood, it turns out that I am the most youthful person. Your youth is false!"

"Fang Da is honest and can't be deceived. When I came up, I saw through the false appearance of youth.


Fans listened to the boy's words, although they knew that there was a problem, but for a while

I don't know what went wrong, I can only say that I hate less when the book is used~

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