If I had read more books and learned game theory, I would not have been exposed like this

Rubbing the ground~

Isn't youth all about passion?

Isn't it a big deal to fail again?

When we get to your mouth, the taste changes, and there are reasons for it, so people don't know

How to reverse drive.

"You idiots who are addicted to their youth~ Let's be ashes~!"

The teenager looked at the youthful students who ran past him.

The dead fish's eyes are full of trouble.

One idiot gave these people a clear definition.

"Qia, I feel so insulted!"

"I'm still young and young, am I also a fool?!"

"Upstairs, don't take the right seat, your IQ really makes people anxious!"

"Enjoying youth becomes an idiot in your mouth, I think you are jealous of our youth!

Fans finally couldn't help watching the boy's monologue in the anime.

This Nima can't make friends by herself, but instead speaks the truth and scolds us in turn

Stupid, this is too much~!

But soon, the fans' complaints gradually disappeared, because with the boy's monologue

At the end, the opening OP of "My Youth Love Story is really problematic" begins.

"Unconsciously, I am the only one left to bow down to the world in this box."

"No one will go to Yao Wang with me anymore, I don't know when, my heart has been covered with white mist and can't see through.


"*The light of the wine falling on the snow has also dissipated."

"Only icy rain fell from the clouds."

The music is soothing and the tune is smooth, although it is not as brainwashed as "The Pure Land of Bliss", it is also

It's not as exciting as "Returning the Shrimp", but it gives people a very calm

a feeling of.

Listening to this OP, fans couldn't help but half-close their eyes, listen quietly, and be attentive

To feel the youthful complexity contained in the lyrics.

"It sounds really good~!"

"Sweet, greasy, bitter, how much emotion does this song contain~

"Er Cai is pregnant, listening to this OP is really too into the drama, this is youth~!"

"Pippi is, you are the real job of the lyricist of the Sulfur family!"

“Pipi Shrimp: Writing Songs? I’m Professional!

Fans listened to this very beautiful OP with a hint of Jiang Liang, and they all felt their own way.

It has been cured, this kind of soft and beautiful but with a bitter taste, is not it

Youthful love?

"One thing to say, that black-haired beautiful girl is my wife!

"That pink hair is my wife!"

This | Ark II of your training is the page.You don't even know the specific information of other people, your wife is old


"If you want to eat peaches, it's all mine, draw your sword~!"

"I've never been afraid of anyone in fencing, come and fight!"

The anime hasn't even started yet, and fans have already chosen themselves based on their first impressions

The dish has already begun to clamor for fencing.

I have to feel that there are really many gentlemen these days.

The beginning of the anime is on a campus, the dead fish that the fans remember deeply

Eyes stand in the office, standing in front of the teacher who thinks it is very beautiful.

"It's you who should be wiped out!"

Hiratsuka's voice is somewhat neutral, both feminine and with a hint of magnetism.

Sex, it sounds very comfortable anyway.

"I said Hikigu, do you remember what the topic I raised in class was?"

Hiratsuka Shizu helplessly looked at the Hikigu eight pictures in front of him, holding the other party's hand in hand just now.

work to come.

"A composition on the theme of 'Reviewing High School Life'."

Hikigu's eight pictures were looked at by the other party's eyes, and his face turned to look unnaturally.

Side, did not dare to look at Hiratsuka Shizuo.

Obviously, he was guilty.

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