You don't have to care about the eyes of the people around you, just go your own way, it really takes courage

, and made her envious.

Therefore, because of Yuta's influence, Liuhua joined the ranks of the second disease.

It is no exaggeration to say that Liuhua is a girl who was saved by the second illness, while observing

Afraid of Yongtai's middle-secondary illness, I yearn for that, and I can't care about him.

The powerful heart of human thought.

PS: Thank you for "Guanzhi Pump Administration", "QWERTY_2...6QWER", "(nul)"

, looking forward to "Jin", "this author's father", "collecting good names online", "*yueyingran"

monthly ticket support, thank you guys!!!

I beg the big guys for more support, and please 1 !! .

Division | Bar | Three

Chapter [-] Do you want to see my eyes? (For support)

Liuhua was attracted by Yuta's power and wanted to imitate Yuta's power, so she could only

Yuta, and only Yuta can save Liuhua.

Yuta is unique to Rokka, an existence that no one can mention!

As soon as the camera turned, Liu Hua was sitting alone in the room, suppressing her crying

Er Luo and No One can see the room clearly only by the faint moonlight


Just as Liu Hua was crying, she suddenly heard something slamming against the window and turned her head.

When he looked, he saw Yuta who was out of breath.


"I'm not Yuta!"

Yongtai was lying on the low shed and wanted to say something, but because the exercise was too intense,

Couldn't say a word to finish.

For a long time, after Yongtai finally calmed his breathing, he looked at Liuhua and said.

"The little bird swims in the six flowers... no! The king's real eyes! I have something to show you!"

Yuta stood up, propped himself up, looked at Liu Hua, and took a deep breath.

"With me! Make 24 contracts!"

Yongtai stared at Liuhua intently, his eyes full of seriousness, obviously not a whim.

It was thought out.

Yongta looked at Liuhua, looking forward to Liuhua's answer.

"Who, thief?! What do you want to do, boy?!"

Just as Yuta showed off her masculinity, Liu Hua's district suddenly ran out.

Come, looking at Yongtai who was sparsely on the roof of his house, he immediately shouted.

"Old woman. Grab it, get my shotgun!"

Hearing what Old Setsuko said, Yuta was so frightened that his hair stood up all over his body, man, this is preparation

To shoot his rhythm.

While nervous, Yongta looked at Liu Hua by the window and stretched out his hand.

"Liuhua, come here!"


"Are you going back to that boring reality? Or do you want to change reality with me

Woolen cloth?"

Yuta's kossy voice rang in Liuhua's ears, and she remained silent for a moment.

In the end, he jumped down from the window and ran towards Yuta.

Liuhua, who jumped down, hugged Yongtai tightly. This scene made the people in front of the screen

The fans all laughed happily.

Yongtai was wearing a black school uniform and Liuhua was wearing a white pajamas. This scene was inexplicable.

People think of how the two of them look in their wedding dresses, and the situation is very beautiful.

"Beautiful, really beautiful bubbling!"

"There is an inexplicable feeling of an old father marrying his daughter, what's the matter?

"There are lovers who are married, I really envy Yongta and Liuhua~"

"I hope the boys who see this barrage can have their own happiness, and the girls can

can marry love~

"I admit that I am sour, but I still send my blessings to you, bless you


Fans were a little emotional when they saw the two hugging each other tightly.

The encounter between Yongtai and Liuhua went from the joy of the sand sculpture at the beginning to the depression later on.

The two people behind separated, and now they have gone through a lot, and finally came together.

The two hugging each other tightly, and the two hearts are slowly approaching each other.

For a moment, Yongta and Liuhua only have each other in their eyes.

Just when Yongta and Liuhua were sinking, suddenly a bunch of flashlights came over.

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