, the next scene made fans laugh directly.

Originally, everyone was still immersed in the joy and emotion of the reunion of the two, but the next moment,

The scene of the two people's tryst was brought to the front by the uniform newspaper uncle.

At the critical moment, fortunately, Danshenggu Senxia and Isshiki made a clearance, Danshenggu Senxia pretended to be caught by a

Sexual harassment, and then shouting, successfully attracted the attention of Uncle Uniform, which made Yuta

He and Liuhua escaped without any risk.

"233~Uncle in uniform doesn't understand the style~"

"Hahaha, quickly arrest those two men and women who are going to elope~"

"Are you the devil who caught you?"

"Nothing to say, Isshiki is a real man, good teammate!"

"It's brave enough to run away in front of others!"

Fans watched Yongta and Liuhua who fled, and they all laughed and had a stomachache.

The scene was just too funny.

Especially when everyone was immersed in the feeling of being together just now, but the next scene came.

Such an appearance is really unexpected, and in addition to joy, I also envy the romance of the two.

The past is like a smoke of love for an old friend, and the glitz is like a dream.

Heart knot, when the fans finally let go of their father's death, the fans watched with tears streaming down their faces, crying

The heart-piercing Liu Hua couldn't help but redden her eyes.

Everyone said that the second illness was too embarrassing, and they also said, "I really want to delete that memory.

Get rid of it, don't ever think about it', but the eccentric self back then really will


The one who always dreamed that he was being watched, the one who set a role for himself and transformed himself

As that character myself...

People sometimes talk rhetorically, dreaming of a world that has changed suddenly, in the brain

In the sea imagining the distant future, imagining the non-existent, bred and fierce love.

That is, from birth to death, it keeps recurring in people's hearts, and it can never be cured.

, some sad, some shy, and some lovely disease called "excessive self-awareness".

This is a life called "self" that no one can escape.

That's right, people, I've been suffering from middle school all my life.

In the anime 487, accompanied by a special narration, Yuta rides a bicycle with

Liuhua, a race with a four-wheeled car.

Chang Ran is a bit slippery, but it can't hide the fact of showing affection and romance.

"It's obviously a tense chase, why do I want to laugh so much?"

"Uncle Uniform: You guys should ride faster, as long as you leave the jurisdiction, you'll be fine!"

"Isshiki: As long as you have any conscience, go to the uncle of the uniform to get a hand from me!"

"This narration is so true, people are self-centered, no matter how ordinary people are

The same is true, so everyone is a middle schooler~

Erxinren's Liu Biao Baobao is very cute and lovely to accompany you, everything will come to the beginning of the dream

Fans looked at the screen, and Liu Hua was standing on the balcony of Yongtai's house, just like the beginning.

On the fence, the same scene, the same night, the same moonlight.

Everything seems to have just started, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

"Look at my eyes?"

In the words of Liuhua to Yongtai, the anime ended, and the fans were also emotional and relieved.

Although the second disease makes people feel ashamed and embarrassed, but it is really beautiful~

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, and please!! 1 !!

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Division | Bar | Three

Chapter [-] I didn't expect it, there is one more episode! (For support)

The fans watched everything return to the place where the dream started, and couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths,

Heart is full of warm feeling.

"Thank you for your company after finishing the withdrawal~

"Thank you for your company after finishing the withdrawal~

At the end of the anime, fans started to brush up, although they were reluctant,

But at this point in the anime, everyone knows it's time to end.

After all, the second illness has also been explained, and Yongtai and Liuhua are back together again.

Everything is complete.

It can be said that "The Second Sickness Also Falls in Love" has almost no regrets for the fans.

Everything is going in a good direction.

"Fortunately, Liu Hua has put on her eyeliner again, she is really happy."

"Everyone comes from understanding, as it is said in the anime, we are all middle two

I'm sick~!"

"That Wang Zhenyan is the strongest!"

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