Following the guidance of the elder sister, I arrived at the destination.

What came into view was a building that looked like a church.

With an uneasy mood, I carefully approached the window and secretly looked inside. There were indeed several children of my age or even younger sitting around a large table to eat.

Although my stomach had been growling with hunger, the fear in my heart made me unable to muster up the courage to knock on the closed door.

Whenever I thought of the possibility of encountering the same predicament as in the school in the real world, my legs would tremble involuntarily.

In the end, I was just running away.

I thought I would be relieved by escaping from the school in the real world, but now I have to escape from the virtual world of SAO.

I used to be different from what I am now.

Life in school was very happy.

However, the turning point of fate came so suddenly, perhaps because I talked about my future dreams with my closest friends.

When I stepped into this familiar yet strange campus the next day, the situation in front of me was completely different from the past.

Not only did my belongings disappear inexplicably, but I was often deliberately tripped by others.

Such days lasted for a long time until the moment I was trapped in SAO.

For this incident, I felt an indescribable joy in my heart.

After all, I no longer need to go to school, let alone meet my peers who are no longer my friends.

But then, where should I go?

Whether it is the real world or the virtual world I am in now, it seems that I can't find a place for me.

I didn't even dare to muster up the courage to jump from the edge of the town to verify whether this is really a death game.

Confusion and helplessness filled my heart, as if an endless darkness swallowed me.

After leaving the church, I walked aimlessly into a state of confusion and unknown. At this moment, at the other end of the deep alley, a small gray figure quietly came into view, as if it was an encounter carefully arranged by fate.

It was a gray kitten, which was surprisingly similar to the kitten Bina who accompanied me for countless days and nights in the real world.


I couldn't help but call softly, with a bit of surprise and desire in my voice, but the gray cat seemed not to hear, or deliberately ignored it, and still stepped firmly into the depths of the alley, leaving a series of imaginative footprints.

An inexplicable impulse drove me to take a step and follow the gray figure. Even though I knew it was not the real Bina, its soft fur must be very warm.

I longed to touch it with my hands, even if it was just for a moment, and wanted to feel the warmth of home again.

"Wait! Bina!"

I called while desperately chasing.

Every time I tried hard to catch up, the kitten would speed up and escape lightly. When I slowed down, the kitten seemed to sense my fatigue and slowly slowed down.

I could not catch up with this kind of distance no matter what.

I turned left and right along the winding alley, climbed over the wooden boxes piled on the ground, crawled through the collapsed pillars, walked across the bridge over the waterway, climbed up the small steps and walked down, and kept moving forward.

I don’t know how long it took, I was completely lost and didn’t know where I was in the town.

The gray cat finally stopped in front of a ruined wall tightly wrapped by vines, and then it jumped lightly, got into it, and disappeared in the green.

I trotted towards the ruins, pushed aside the vines, and found a small hole in the stone wall. I wondered if I could get through.

I took a deep breath, mustered up my courage, and squeezed my body into the narrow hole. At that moment, I felt the friction between my body and the stone wall and heard the sound of my heartbeat accelerating.

Finally, I successfully got through the cave, and the view in front of me suddenly opened up - a small courtyard surrounded by stone walls and dilapidated buildings appeared in front of me.

The stone road was overgrown with weeds, almost covering the original path, and the corners on all sides were even more desolate, obviously no one had been here for a long time.

I looked around, looking for the kitten, but the only response I got was the dead air and the occasional sound of the wind.

"Bina... where are you..."

I called out softly while looking intently at the center of the courtyard.

At this time, the stone slab under my feet suddenly made a creaking sound, followed by a violent vibration. Before I could react, the stone slab shattered under my feet. Like a prank of fate, I was swept into a dark cave by an invisible force.At that moment, fear surged like a tide. I subconsciously closed my eyes and curled up into a ball, ready to welcome the embrace of death.

However, fate did not seem to end my story. I hit a hard object heavily. The pain and shock made me wake up instantly. The HP warning in the upper left corner of my vision was like a long alarm bell, reminding me that this was not a dream.

I stood up tremblingly and found myself in a dusty basement. The light here was dim, and the air was filled with old and musty smells. There were bookshelves and storage cabinets that were about to decay on the wall, and spider webs hung on them.

From the deduction of HP, I realized that this was not the safe area of ​​the game, but the terrifying "outside the circle".

However, unlike the expected monsters rampant, it was unusually quiet here. There seemed to be no signs of other life except me.

However, I did not find the exit.

I looked up and saw gray light shining down from a hole in the high ceiling. This height made people feel desperate.

Even if I tried to climb up the bookshelf, I would never be able to reach that distant window.

Perhaps, no matter how I shouted here, no player would notice.

"Forget it, it's all right..."

I thought silently in my heart.

So, I sat down on the cold ground tiredly, hugged my knees tightly, and bowed my head deeply.

At this moment, I caught a glimpse of something flashing a faint light at my feet. Curiously, I stretched out my right hand and picked it up to observe carefully.

It turned out to be a silver coin!

Although the surface of the silver coin was covered with dust, the words on it were still clearly visible - this was a silver coin worth 100 coles.

I stood up in a hurry and searched the ground eagerly, and then I saw another silver coin a little further away.

I hurriedly picked up the silver coin and found another one in front of me.

And just in front of me, my eyes were attracted by an object buried by debris. A closer look revealed that it was a wooden box about the same size as a backpack.

Although its color is not eye-catching, from the shape, there is no doubt that this is a treasure chest!

I ran over, praying in my heart that the treasure chest was not locked.

When I carefully opened the lid, a sense of joy came over me.

The treasure chest was filled with glittering silver coins, worth 200,000 Cole! Moreover, in the corner of the treasure chest, there was a dagger with a red scabbard lying quietly.

Before picking up the dagger, I already felt that this weapon was extraordinary. It was a weapon far more advanced than the initial equipment.

More importantly, I understood another thing.

Since there is a treasure chest here, it means that there must be a way to leave here.

Sure enough, good and bad things will come in turns.

I thought so in my heart.

Suddenly, a meow came from above.

I looked up and found that the kitten was looking down at me from the edge of the collapsed cave.

"Wait for me there, I'm going to touch you!"

I shouted, put the silver coins and dagger into the item column, and began to look for the exit of the basement.


"Then, let's go and ask those two strange big brothers and big sisters tomorrow."

"With these 200,000 Cole, even if I equip a set of the best armor in the town, there will still be some left."

"With this dagger, I can fight outside the town."

"In this way, I can... find my own place with my own strength..."

--European Emperor Silica.

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