A few days after SAO was launched, players had no choice but to accept the fact that they were trapped in the game.

But most players still look forward to official government rescue. They choose to stay in the safe starting town, not going anywhere, and live in a daze.

Unfortunately, in the game, the initial capital of players is only 1,000 coles. What can 1,000 coles do? The cheapest food, black bread, is 1 cole each, while the cheapest hotel is 50 coles a day.

It won't be long before these players will be forced to take action to get what they need to survive.

Of course, some people will ask, why not just not stay in the hotel? 1,000 black breads can last for a long time.

Indeed, some new players do this, directly covering themselves with a small quilt under the bridge. But their savings will pay the price of their lives in the later stage.

Criminal players with ulterior motives will use the PVP mechanism in the game to invite sleeping players to a 1v1 duel with a complete win or loss, and then take the sleeping player's hand and click the consent button. The characters of both sides enter the duel field, and they can successfully kill people in the duel field, and there is no risk of being marked as orange.

So, do you still dare to sleep on the street?

After talking about this kind of players who do nothing in the starting town, there is a player named [Xinka], who is the manager of a well-known game website.

Based on safety assurance, he established a mutual aid organization MTD based on the starting town, advocating multiple people to fight wild monsters, sharing resources such as props and intelligence, and trying to avoid crises.

(The purpose of this organization was later changed by Kiba and others. To be honest, it should be fine to let the perfectionist and absolutely righteous Yukino lead this organization, and she can definitely implement this purpose to the end. But think about it and forget it.)

There is also a player named [Saxia] who takes care of a group of young players in the church.

Since the 50-core-a-day hotel experience was not good, Kitagawa and Yukinoshita met Sana in the church while looking for a good place to stay.

It costs 100 cores to rent a room in the church for a day. The environment here is much better than that of an ordinary hotel that costs 50 cores a day, and there is also a bathroom available.

Sana told them that after she came back from leveling outside the circle, she saw a young child sitting on the street crying, and her heart was touched.

Because in the original world, she had completed education credits in college and was on the threshold of becoming a teacher.

Sana felt that she had the responsibility to protect and educate these lovely children, so she brought the lonely children one by one to the church.

When she said these words again, Sana narrowed her eyes. She looked at the lovely children with a smile full of care from the heart.

This scene deeply touched Yukinoshita's heartstrings. She began to think about whether she could do something for these confused players like Sana.

Central Square.

"Big brother, sparring! The starting point of the speed run, the town jungle area! A newbie position is needed!"

Kitakawa held up the wooden sign in his hand and shouted hard.

Standing next to him, Yukinoshita answered the questions of the players attracted by Kitakawa.

On the first day, some players in the square were skeptical about this so-called sparring service. They gathered together, but most of them just watched from afar and did not dare to try it easily.

After all, for these players, leaving the safe area is equivalent to suicide.

However, there are always some players who understand that this is a real death game and are unwilling to continue to sit and wait for death.

They realize that if they stay in the town, it may be a slow death.

Among the players, there are still many people who do not want to be bound, and they did not join the mutual aid organization established by Xinka.

So on the second day after Kitakawa shouted, about 5 or 6 players decided to take this step and go out of the circle.

Each of these players paid 100 cole and entrusted Kitakawa and Yukinoshita to lead them into the jungle.

Although they were still a little uneasy, they knew that they had to learn to face the difficulties of the death game independently.

After receiving the reward of 100 cole, Kitagawa and Yukinoshita led a group of new players to the wild area to brush the wild.

Then Yukinoshita taught the players the most basic combat skills and strategies to help them quickly adapt to the wild.

And Kitagawa only needs to be responsible for the safety of the new players.

On the third day, the players who paid yesterday came to Kitagawa and Yukinoshita again, expressing their hope to follow them to the wild area again.

Kitagawa gladly accepted this.

This made the onlookers curious and a little expectant. After all, this looks like a very safe team.Wu.

So, several of the players who were watching joined Kitagawa's team.

Among them was Silica.

"Big sister..."

"It seems you don't like it there." Yukinoshita was a little surprised.

Didn't Miss Saxia keep the child?

"I didn't go in. I... I still want to go out and fight." Silica stared at Yukinoshita timidly.

Yukinoshita smiled, "Then trade 100 Cole."


"Hiss! Yukino, this kid has even equipped himself after one day of not seeing him! So rich!"

Kitagawa on the side looked at the fully equipped and armed girl in front of him in disbelief - Silica, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

You know, in the game, everyone's initial capital is only 1,000 Cole.

Even though several days have passed, no one in the town of origin can still afford a complete set of protective gear.

But the Silica standing in front of him at this moment, not only was she wearing a complete set of protective gear, but even the red dagger on her waist looked very precious.

"Ah... I'm not particularly rich. I only have about 100,000 Cole left in my backpack now." Silica smiled a little embarrassedly, with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Just yesterday, the European Emperor Silica, who got 200,000 Cole, was a great start! So, after a delicious meal, she bought a set of the most top-level equipment in the initial town without hesitation.

"What!?" Kitagawa and Yukinoshita were shocked.

Soon, Kitagawa looked around first, and he laughed creepily, revealing a sinister face.

"Very good, you are really a child, so easy to trust people, I will find a place to bury you in the wild!"

"Ah!" Silica couldn't help but tremble.


A knife-handed blow hit Kitagawa's head.

"Don't scare this kid!" Yukinoshita glared at Kitagawa helplessly.

Then she said to Silica:

"Remember, don't show off your wealth. You may have someone eyeing you."

"Yeah!" Silica nodded vigorously, indicating that she understood.

"Right, right, just like me!" Kitagawa covered his head with both hands, fearing that Yukinoshita would hit him again.

(Updated in the first volume)

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