Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 147 - 147. Strawhat Pirates

Hearing Smoker Leo smiled and said, "I speak politely to good people."

Smoker had a strained expression on his face, "He is a pirate!"

Leo shook his head, "I won't judge a person because of a title. He has a good heart and that's all that matters to me. I won't arrest him just because he is a pirate."

Smoker didn't know what to say. He stared at Leo for a while and said, "You will find yourself making hard choices in the future if you think that way."


"We are marines, our purpose is to keep the peace and protect. Our job is to go after pirates and criminals. If you let go of one pirate because he is a good person what kind of message are you sending to the world."

"He is a pirate! We are marines! We keep peace! Their kind destroys it!"

Leo didn't reply to him and stayed silent. Smoker didn't continue and left.

Shinobu nudged him and asked, "Did he hit a nerve?"

Leo nodded, "Slightly."

Shinobu thought out loud, "Hm... he isn't wrong but he isn't right either. How can we arrest a person just because he is a pirate?"

Leo sighed and said, "The term pirate has sunk into everyone's mind as cruel and vicious. That won't change, to keep the world in order their kind must be put behind bars."

"People like Ace and Whitebeard became pirates to seek out adventure. They are of a different breed."

"However the vast majority of pirates are as Smoker said, they destroy order and bring chaos. That's why marines and the Navy exist. Their very existence deter these unruly people."

"So what I did just now can be considered wrong when looked from the angle of law and order. But from my perspective I did the right thing."

Shinobu smiled and said, "It's enough as long as you do the right thing."

Leo laughed and gave her a kiss.

They continued to stroll around. Alabasta as a desert country didn't have much to offer when it came to exotic fruits and food.

"Hm, if I remember correctly Crocodile should own a casino, shall we go there?"

Leo suddenly said.

Shinobu had no problem with that, "Sure, let's go there tomorrow. I am tired after walking around all day."

The next day.

They left early to Rainbase where Crocodile's casino was located.

Rainbase was bustling with activity. Unlike the port town they were in this place had a lot of energy.

They found the casino and walked in. The inside looked similar to the one Leo knew of so he wasn't that surprised.

And she won almost every game!

Is she that lucky? Leo had his doubts. He was half wondering whether she cheated using her spiritual energy or not.

After playing around for a while day Shinobu walked out of the casino with a bag full of cash. Several malicious eyes were locked onto them as they left the casino.

Leo shook his head and smiled. She was way too lucky.

The ones lurking in the dark were silently dealt by Leo. He only gave them a small lesson and left after giving a thorough beating.

As they were nearing their lodging a group of people were running in their direction.


Leo was surprised to see who they were.

At the front was Luffy and Usopp, and behind them was Smoker.

They rushed past him. Smoker also saw Leo but he didn't stop and chased after Luffy and Usopp.

Leo shook his head and returned his room. Shinobu placed the bag full of money down and asked, "Aren't you curious as to why they are here?"

Leo smiled and nodded, "I am, but not enough to follow them all the way back to the casino."

"Oh? They went to the casino?"

Shinobu was surprised to hear that.

Leo's spiritual sense could cover a distance of ten miles so he clearly saw where they were headed.

When they were about to grab some food Leo's spiritual sense was triggered. He looked in the direction of the casino and saw a portion of it collapse.

Don't tell me those guys did that.

Leo rushed towards the casino. Shinobu followed him..

Just as they got there the pool surrounding the casino started to rumble and several figures jumped out.

After they got out of the water another one emerged. Leo was fairly curious about this crew.

The one who popped out after Luffy and the others was Zoro, and he was carrying someone. It was Smoker.

Leo went forward and helped them out of the water.

Smoker coughed for a while and spat out some water. He saw Leo and gave a nod before turning to Zoro and asking.

"Why did you help me?"

Zoro pointed to Luffy and said, "I didn't want to, but my captain ordered me to."

Smoker stared at Luffy and his crew for a while and said, "Just leave."

Leo smiled. This was Smoker, this guy didn't want to owe anyone so he who never allowed a pirate to escape his grasp gave this crew a chance to run.

Luffy grinned at Smoker and ran away with his crew.

"What happened?"

Smoker pulled a cigar, lighted it and took a puff.

"Crocodile, that guy... he is trying to start a war."

Leo frowned.

Smoker continued, "You may not have realised but this country is on the verge of war. The rebel army is against King Nefartiri Cobra and his rule."

"And Crocodile is behind everything. His intelligence agency, Baroque Works created skirmish all over the country and turned the people against the king."

Leo raised an eyebrow and asked, "What for? Why did he go through so much trouble to incite the people? And how does their crew fit in all of this?"

Smoker replied, "I don't know. As for Strawhat, he is here because of a girl with them, Vivi. She is the princess of this country."

I see...

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