Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 148 - 148. To Alubarna

Leo's frowned when he heard Smoker. He couldn't help but ask.

"Then why aren't you deploying our forces?"

Smoker shook his head and explained, "We have no authority to meddle in a nation's affair."

Leo stared at him and turned around, "Shinobu, I am very interested in the capital of Alabasta, wanna go?"

Shinobu narrowed her eyes and smiled slyly, "I am also interested, let's go."

Smoker had his usual grim expression when he listened, however a gleam flashed through his eyes.



The Rebel army was ready to make war. Alabasta King, Cobra used rain powder to produce artificial rain in the capital. However this came at the price of drought on other regions.

The people had no idea they were being played by Crocodile. He orc.h.e.s.trated the rain powder incident, turning the people against their king.

He pushed them towards war. However the Rebel army was not aware of this.

On the edge of the palace walls stood Crocodile, he held Vivi by her neck and hung her down. She had tears in her eyes as she glared at him.

"Your worthless ideals only created more unnecessary victims. Let me tell you something... you can't save this country."

"Goodbye, princess."

Crocodile laughed. His hand turned to sand. Vivi's started to fall down.

Just as she accepted her fate she heard a scream.



Luffy was riding on a giant eagle. It flew down and Luffy caught Vivi.

She cried in his arms and said, "There isn't much time before the square blows up. Everyone... already is down. My voice... can no longer reach them. At this rate, this country will...

Her voice choked up. Luffy smiled with confidence and said, "Don't worry, we heard you."

They landed on the ground. Luffy put down Vivi and his eyes focused on Crocodile standing high up on the palace walls.

He grinned, "I... won't lose again!"

As they were preparing for a grand battle Leo and Shinobu were making their way through the streets of Alubarna.

The place was deserted. They couldn't spot a single person.

"They must have all marched towards the castle."

"That's for sure. Oh, what's happening over there?"

Shinobu pointed towards the distance. Leo followed her finger and saw Zoro from the Strawhat pirates battling against a bronze skinned man. The bronze coloured man was able to turn his body into blades.

Battling would be an understatement. Zoro was getting thrashed.

"Aren't you going to help him?"

Shinobu asked Leo.

Shaking his head Leo answered, "At his age he hasn't even achieved initial mastery in his sword. Unless he come across some fortune I doubt whether he will ever become a grandmaster."

Just as they were speaking Zoro's opponent punched Zoro. His arm had blades spinning on it, creating a drill.

The punch landed on Zoro and made a long grievous injury on his c.h.e.s.t.

He was flung away and crashes into a pillar. Zoro coughed out blood. His entire body was soaked in blood.

Zoro grunted and spewed out even more blood. The pillar he crashed into was sliced to several pieces. The rest crumbled and fell down on him.

Leo was about to lend him a hand when he stopped. His face showed a surprised expression.

The bronze coloured man turned around to leave, however his steps paused. A ghastly expression took over his face.

In the midst of the rubble stood a bloodied figure. He was breathing harshly but his eyes were sharp and focused.

"How could you be still standing?"

Zoro was a bloody mess. His clothes were dyed red, he looked like a beast on it's last leg.

"Did he just master his sword?"

Shinobu asked Leo.

Nodding his head Leo said, "I didn't expect him to advance under such grievous condition. Looks like I looked down on him."

"Hehe, even you can make mistakes."

Shinobu teased him.

Leo pinched her cute nose and said, "I am human, humans err. Oh, looks like the battles coming to an end."

Zoro picked up his sword and took a drawing stance. His spirit was stretched to it's max.

One sword style, Lions song!

Both of them attacked at the same time.

A light flashed. Both of them stood with their back to each other. A second later the bronze coloured man fell down spewing blood.

Zoro also lost his strength and fell down.

Shinobu tiptoed to him and placed her palm on his c.h.e.s.t.

Leo walked over and said, "How is he?"

"Blood loss and fractures, however it's already starting to heal."

Hearing her Leo said, "This world is different from ours. People here have stronger bodies and even stronger recuperative ability. For some people, like him, they have a strong will and tenacious body. To them these kind of wounds ain't grievous as long as they receive treatment on time."

As a slayer Leo's body is enhanced in every way possible. However he attained this enhancement through his Breathing Technique.

The people from this world was different as they naturally had a stronger body. And to those who venture out to the sea they can be considered monsters among these normal people.


Shinobu used her 'Breath' to speed up his recuperation, and used some drugs to stop bleeding and inflammation.

"Will he be alright if we leave him here?"

She asked Leo.

Leo waved his hand, "It's fine. There are no more enemies with a ten mile radius. Let him be, his friends will find him. Our priority is to get to castle. I want to see what Crocodile is upto."

Both of them used Geppo and took to the skies. They could see the castle in the distance.

Leo's eyes turned sharp, "For whatever reason that f.u.c.ker decided to plunge this country into war."

"I made some new drugs. A logia is a good piece to experiment on."

Shinobu said with a smile, however there was a hint of coldness in her words.

Leo smirked when he heard her.


They shot off towards the castle.

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