Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 23 - 23. A Place To Return To

Winter was just around the corner, days slowly turned cold. Trees have started to shed leaves and looked mellow. Mountains that were active through the year seems to be going to sleep.

A group of youngsters were walking through the rough paths of a mountain. They bickered among themselves destroying the silence around.

"Hey Leo, are we there yet?"

"Will you shut up!? Don't you get tired blabbing like that? Anyway we are almost there."

"You said that an hour ago."

"An hour journey is considered short. Just shut up, we are already there."

Sabito who was pestering Leo all this time raised his head and looked into the distance.

A simple house came to his view, infront of the house stood an amiable man. Five kids played around him, three just barely reached his knees. The man's eyes were filled with love when he looked at the kids.

Sensing Sabito's gaze he turned around, realising who it was he showed a smile.

"A little late."

Leo rubbed his head and said, "Sorry uncle Tanjuro, some stuff came up."

"Big brother!"

Just as he finished speaking the kids yelled and ran towards him. Tanjiro and Nezuko hugged Leo while the rest couldn't do the same and hugged his knees. A bright smile adorned Leo's face, he rubbed their head and asked.

"Did you guys miss me?"



Leo laughed lightly, he took out a small cloth bag inside his kimono. The younger kids eyes brightened when they saw it, Leo poked their nose and handed the bag to them. They immediately showed a delighted expression and thanked Leo before running off.

"Big brother, what about me?"

Nezuko looked at Leo with expectation.

"Would I forget you? Here."

He took out a beautiful hair pin and gave it to her. Nezuko smiled like a kid and snatched it from Leo. She traced it's body and giggled. Tanjiro however didn't ask anything, he just smiled. Leo looked at him and took out a pair of shoes, he gave it to him and said.

"Be a little selfish Tanjiro."

Tanjuro said, "You don't have to bring something every time."

Leo shook his head seriously, "That's won't do uncle. They call me big brother so it's my duty to act like one."

Tanjuro shook his head with a smile and looked behind Leo.

Leo introduced, "Uncle Tanjuro, these are my friends. The dumb looking one is Giyu, this idiot is Sabito and that's Makomo."


Sabito and Giyu grumbled before bowing to Tanjuro.

"Nice to meet you sir."

"It's fine, just call me uncle like Leo does."


"Just do it."

Both of them growled at Leo.

"Uncle Tanjuro."

"Good. Come in, it's almost time for lunch."


Leo and company walked in, Kei served them some water before putting a bowl infront of them. Makomo hurriedly took out a sack she was carrying and gave it to Kei.

"Aunty, please take this."

"Silly child, what are you doing? You are our guest, so it's only right we provide you food."

"But aunty...

Makomo was in a dilemma, no matter what she said Kei didn't accept her gift.

"Aunty just take it. We are gonna be here for a few days, it's rude of us if you have to provide food for all four of us and it will wait on our conscience if you don't take it."

With no other choice Kei accepted it with reluctance. However during the meal she kept filling their bowls with more food, Leo smiled wryly and didn't say a word.

Sabito looked at Kei and her family, he felt something he had never felt before, he felt as if that final piece of his life was placed back.

The meal wasn't extravagant however all of them were felt extremely satisfied with each bite. After the meal was done the younger ones felt sleepy, Nezuko and Tanjiro put them to bed.

Leo and Sabito were seated outside, Giyu talked with Tanjuro while Makomo helped Kei with chores.

"I can see why you looked forward to coming here."

A smile outlined Leo's face as he leaned back, he looked up to the sky and said with a smile.

"When I first came here I too found it hard to believe. Uncle Tanjuro's, Aunty Kei, Tanjiro, Nezuko... all of them treated me with kindness. They gave me food, a place to sleep, unknowingly I found something I always longed for."

Sabito listened without saying a word, his eyes focused on Tanjiro, he was making crafts under his father's guidance. Nezuko also helped them.

"It's really nice here."

Leo agreed, he found a shade, sat down and closed his eyes. Slowly his mind lost focus and entered dream land. The sun was almost setting by the time he woke up, opening his eyes Leo felt something and looked over.

Tanjiro and Nezuko leaned on his shoulder on both sides and were fast asleep. A smile crept onto Leo's face. Maybe sensing Leo was awake both of them woke up rubbing their eyes.

"Haaaa, Big brother Father asked us to wake you up."

Nezuko said while yawning. Leo smiled and rubbed her head, he asked in a teasing tone.

"Then why are you sleeping here?"

"Tehe, Big brother looked so comfortable so I joined you."

"Is that so? What about you, Tanjiro?"

"It's nice to sleep under a tree."


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