Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 24 - 24. Makomo's Test

Whoosh! Smack!


Tanjiro held his head and squatted down in pain, rubbing his head he looked at Leo and said.

"Big brother, why did you hit harder?"

Leo was holding a wooden sword, he poked Tanjiro's head and said seriously, "You head is like a rock, If I don't hit you harder you won't feel it."

Tanjiro mumbled, "But that hurts."

Leo knocked his head lightly and said with a grin, "The whole purpose of our training is so that you can dodge effectively. If you dodge well you won't get hurt, simple, right?"


Taking his own wooden sword Tanjiro swung at Leo. Dodging to the side Leo tapped his shoulders. Seeing his attack miss Tanjiro bent his waist and kicked up.

"Not bad."

Leo flicked his palm, deflecting the kick. He then moved forward striking Tanjiro's waist. Hastily putting his sword up for defence Tanjiro took a few steps back from that strike.

Leo instructed while moving for another strike, "What did I tell you Tanjiro, connect the moves uncle taught you. It may come forcefully at first but with practice it will flow as smooth as water."

"Ok big brother!"




Sabito and the rest were resting under the shade of tree, all of them found it amusing to watch their sparring.

"Tanjiro is making progress."

"That's a given, he has zero battle experience, with his understanding of Fire God Dance any form of fighting will take him leaps and bounds into mastering the techniques."

"Yeah. Though I gotta say he sure has a hard head."

"That's for sure."

"I agree."

"Are they still at it?"

"Ah! Uncle Tanjuro. Yeah, Leo seems particularly adamant about teaching Tanjiro, he isn't overly hard nor is he too soft, just the right level of difficulty in his training."


Tanjuro hummed and sat down. He watched their sparring from the side until it was time for lunch. Tanjiro was out of breath and trembled from time to time, however a bright smile was on his face.

"Let's go, lunch is ready."

"Yup! Let's go."

Sabito took charge and marched forward. Leo and the rest palmed their face when they saw that fool. But they have to admit aunty Kei's food was delicious.

A hearty meal was prepared for them, eating their fill all of them laid down comfortably. Suddenly Nezuko asked something.

"Big brother are you really leaving?"

A tinge of sadness laced her words. Leo strokes her head and said with a smile, "Come on, I don't want to see a snotty Nezuko when I go. Don't worry, I will visit often like I always do, alright?"

Nezuko stared at him and said seriously, she looked cute with her puffed up cheeks, "That's a promise!"

Leo laughed lightly when he saw her all so serious.

Sabito and the rest smiled when they saw this. It was only when he is with these kids would Leo be so utterly powerless. He had to coax all of them yesterday and today so that they won't cling to him when he leaves.

"Nezuko won't you miss big brother Sabito."

Nezuko answered truthfully, "I will miss you too, but not as much as big brother Leo."


All of them heard something break at that point, Sabito wormed his way to a corner and sulked. Tanjiro and the other kids walked to him and said earnestly.

"We will miss you big brother."

Sabito teared up, he rubbed the little ones head and asked.

"More than your big brother Leo?"

The kids went silent, Tanjiro took took out a rice ball and handed it to Sabito.


Again everyone heard something break. Sabito ate the rice ball while tearing up, this time for a different reason.

Giyu clutched his stomach and banged the ground while laughing his heart out. Makomo also trembled trying to hold her laugh. Leo showed a disdainful smile and ignored him.

Soon time went by, a few hours before the sun set all four of set off.

"Visit often."

"We will."

Leo and the rest bowed to Tanjuro and Kei and started to descend the mountain, the kids waved to them till they couldn't see their shadow.


"Are you still sulking Sabito?"

"Who is sulking!?"

Giyu teased Sabito who jumped up like a cat who got it's tail stepped on. Makomo saw his reaction and said.

"Could you atleast act like you don't care? Idiot."

"Makomo, I am your brother!"


"Shouldn't you side with me at all times?"

Instead of answering him a scornful look climbed on her face and she continued to walk. Leo also shot a glance at him and chose to remain silent. Giyu however seemed to be excited, he asked questions again and again making Sabito not know whether to laugh or cry.

Leo looked at Giyu and said to himself.

'This guy... he will never make another friend.'

All four of them continued towards their destination, the site for Final Selection, Mt.Fujikasane. Makomo was supposed to take her test in two months. But before that Sabito and the rest agreed to let her have some practical training.

Of course practical training implied hunting demons. Right now all four of them were heading towards where a demon was sighted.

Soon all four of them reached a abandoned village. The houses were dilapidated and worn out, smell of decay spread through the air. Leo spread out his sense and found their target.

"Alright. Makomo, remember no matter what happens always remain calm."

Makomo seriously nodded and went forward. Sabito, Giyu and Leo separated and took different directions just in case the demon escaped.

Walking forward Makomo gripped her sword tightly, no matter how calm and m.a.t.u.r.e she was she was still a young girl with no real experience fighting demons. Just as she was about to take a turn the wind whistled to her right side. A feeling of danger engulfed her body.

Instinctively she dodged. Taking a close look she saw a demon with long arms covered in black hair. It's eyes were filled with killing intent, drool dripped down the corner of its mouth when looking at Makomo.

For a second she froze, her heartbeat got faster, her body seemed to be trembling when subjected to that sharp killing intent. Sabito, Giyu and Leo were watching for a distance, Giyu was anxious and looked at Sabito and Leo for advice.

However both of looked at ease and watched intently. Giyu calmed down and watched.

Makomo seemed to have realised her condition, she took a deep breath. Her tensed body relaxed, her eyes filled with panic settled down. Her aura went through a subtle change, like how water settles down, reflecting everything.

Leo and Sabito heaved a sigh of relief, both of them looked a each other and smiled.

Let the hunt begin.

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