Anna Lu

36 She's Not Going Anywhere!

The man smiled slightly, one could see that smile was filled with sarcasm. He took slow and steady steps towards Anna, his entire being looking majestic.

This man never looked his age, you could only know because he chose to keep his grey hair. Anna knew how much pain this man had caused her, seeing him now after finding out everything she was filled with anger.

"She's not going anywhere!" Su Chen said standing in front of Anna with clenched fists.

Anna had never seen him so serious before.

Li Chen nodded "You're not taking her anywhere with us here!" Anna looked at both brothers, her eyes filled with gratitude.

They hadn't known her for that long but they were already protecting her like she was their family.


Anna turned around only to realize that Bai Sheng had been knocked out.

"Bai Sheng!" Li Chen stared at the men who hit him angrily.

"You see Anna....If you don't come with me now, everyone here will get hurt, including your two knights right here" LuZhang nodded at the two men who hit Bai Sheng and they soon grabbed Su Chen as well pinning him to the ground.

"I'll go!...I'll go!" Anna said with tears in her eyes. This was what she was trying to avoid, people getting hurt because of her.

"Please just let them go...."

Lu Zhang began to laugh loudly, it wasn't any sort of cheerful laugh but, it was more like a warning.

Li Chen stood in front of Anna not moving from his spot, like his feet were rooted to the ground.

"She's not going anywhere!" he yelled.

Anna called out his name but he ignored her. The past would not repeat itself again!.

Li Chen remembered how weak he was when their family house was attacked, he couldn't protect his mother and she was shamed and killed in front of him.

Li Chen smirked at Lu Zhang. "I won't even let you touch a strand of her hair".

Lu Zhang scoffed "You are a brave boy.....such a waste, you're going to die for a girl without legs.....a useless fool!"

Anna shook her head and held on to Li Chen's leg

"Please just let him take me Li Chen....I beg you!"

"Anna....when I said I loved you...did you think it was a joke?...did you think I wasn't serious?" Li Chen looked down at the girl and smiled at her.

"I am ready to lay down my life just to keep you safe" He faced Lu Zhang and looked at him with a mocking gaze.

"I won't let this bastard take you anywhere!"

"Suit yourself!" Lu Zhang said coldly before bringing a gun out of his jacket.

"Die for the fool then!" he said as he pulled the trigger. Anna screamed.

"Li Chen!" Su Chen tried to struggle out of the men's hold but failed.

Li Chen stared at his bleeding chest and scoffed "I am the son of Major general Duan Li Sheng! you think it's that easy to bring me down?" blood flowed down his lips as he spoke.

Anna cried as she stared at him, she knew he was hurt.

Lu Zhang laughed "You really are something.....just like your father huh?" Lu Zhang walked closer to Li Chen and was now standing right in front of him.

"It's such a shame a boy like you would die like this"

Li Chen suddenly slumped to the ground.

Anna stared at his slumped body in front of her and she couldn't stop her tears anymore.

"Anna...." Li Chen called out breathing heavily, Anna crawled over to him and held his hands "Stop talking Li Chen....just don't talk"

Li Chen smiled at her and caresses her face. "T....That bracelet, I made for you....." coughs out a mouthful of blood and his breathing slowed down

"Keep it with, don't forget me...."

Anna shook her head "I won't....but don't worry, you'll be fine ok?" Anna pressed his hand firmly to her face, he used his thumb to wipe her tears slowly "D....don't cry.....I don't w...want this to be....the last thing I see....." Anna nodded and cleaned her face, she had a bright smile on her face as she watched him close his eyes.

He had a satisfied smile on his face but unfortunately...his eyes never opened...

"Li Chen?...." Anna knew he was gone but she still called out to him.....maybe...just maybe he might answer her....maybe he might open his eyes....

"Li Chen!" Su Chen sobbed. His brother was smiling and teasing him just this morning but now...

"Please wake up...please" Anna still held his hand on her face, she didn't let it fall. She didn't want to let go.

"How touching!" Lu Zhang said still laughing.

"You know why I came here my dear?" Lu Zhang stepped on Li Chen's chest as a form of disrespect. Anna tried to push his leg off but was already drained of her strength.

"I came to get you just so that I could find a use for know I don't like it when none of my children benefit me" LuZhang bent down and looked his daughter in her eyes "You have your mother's eyes....that's nice"

"But taking a closer look i realize.....I came here for nothing! I wanted to use you for a few experiments seems, you're way more useless than I thought"

Lu Zhang got up and dusted his suit "I also came here to repay an old debt to the general by destroying his base seems his son will do"

He smiled at Anna and patted her head "I hear you are rehabilitating. Once you're not as useless as this.....I will come back for you" He said as he turned around and walked away.

"Everything you've done today....remember it!"

Lu Zhang halted in his steps when he heard Anna's voice.


Anna clenched her fists and screamed at him "You better remember it all! because when next we'll meet....I'll will kill you! I will tear every limb from your slowly till you bleed to death!...I won't let you get away with this!"

Lu Zhang chuckled when he heard her words "I'll be waiting then..." with that said, he walked away, leaving the chaos and pain he caused behind him.

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