Anna Lu

37 Where Is Your Brother?

Anna hugged Li Chen's body, still waiting for him to wake up.

At that time, Li Zhang was long gone and everyone could finally see what was going on "Anna....he's gone" Su Chen said said wiping the tears from his face.

Anna shook her head "He's just sleeping..." Anna stared at the silver bracelet in her palm, it had her name on it in bold must taken him so long to make this.....she had to thank him, she had to....

"Anna he's dead goddammit! He's never coming back! he's never going to open his eyes again!" Su fell to his knees and touched his brother's face, it was cold to the touch.

"Anna....Li gone" he said to her, Anna raised her head to look at him with angry eyes "Shut up!"

Su Chen was startled, he really didn't know what to do anymore. He was hurting as well, his twin just died...his other half....his best friend.

Anna still held his cold hand on her face, she already knew he was gone. But why?.....she told him! she told him not to do it....why!

"Anna..." Anna felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned around and saw Bai Sheng holding his bleeding with his other hand.

"You have to let him go....hmm?"

Anna reluctantly put his hand on his chest and sighed "....In the end....someone has lost their life again...because of me, because of my uselessness."

"Anna don't say that!" Bai Sheng pulled her into his embrace "Don't say things like that anymore"

Anna chuckled, she was in the embrace of the man she loved but she still empty, she felt absolutely nothing!

"No matter what you say.....I killed him" She got out of his embrace and turned to look at Su Chen "I'm really sorry for killing your brother"

Su Chen shook his head "Anna don't....."

Anna's eyes scanned the crowd and she soon found the face she was looking for.

Efface face was full of tears as she stared at Li Chen.

"I'm sorry for killing your mentor....." She said to her "You were right.....I did cone here with ulterior a way.... I am the spy...this is all my fault!"

Anna turned to look and Bai Sheng who was still trying to console her "I'm not a child so don't treat me like one! I know what I did!.....I know what I did!..."

Anna smiled at Li Chen "I'm sorry.....for killing you..."


At The Duan Residence.

"Where's your brother?"

Su Chen and Bai Sheng were currently kneeling on front of their father with guilt all over their faces.

Anna didn't know why she was was brought there but when she heard the question she raised her head up, there were no emotions in her eyes at all

"I killed him..."

she said in a low voice, the general at that moment was boiling with anger

"How dare you come in here?!, you're the person he died for am I right?" The general walked up to her and forcefully held her chin up "How dare you...."

Anna felt the stinging pain but she didn't flinch, it was like she wasn't capable of showing her emotions anymore. To be honest...she felt numb all over.

"You're nothing special.....why would my Li do such a thing?"

The general threw the girl to the ground and sneered "Father!" Su Chen called out, Anna was like a sister to him.He had gotten so fond of her that seeing her hurt, hurts him as well. He wanted so bad to be angry at her because of Li Chen but he could being himself to do it.....

"Are you going to challenge your father because of this useless fool?.....she brought her father over to my base and killed off my son!"

The general walked up to Bai Sheng and Su Chen "The both of you.....I regret the days I ever called you my couldn't protect your own brother. And you Bai Sheng, you were trained in the special ops easily stop that man"

Bai Sheng's head hung low "Don't tell me its because of that stupid mental disease you have! I'm tired of that stupid excuse!" The general slapped Bai Sheng hard,

Bai Sheng gritted his teeth and didn't say a word, he looked at Anna from the corner of his eye.

She was just sitting silently spacing out, his heart hurt by just seeing her that way.....

"The woman who my son died for.....will not be useless!

Call Dr Joon, tell him....he has a new patient"

"Father!" Bai Sheng said out of panic

"Shut up!"

Bai Sheng looked at Anna again, he was planning to give her to the most ruthless physiotherapist in the world! Was thus meant as a punishment?.....she was a woman, there's no way she could handle that Dr like he did.....

"Why are both my sons protecting that woman huh?...has she blinded you both as well?"

The general looked at the girl with anger in his eyes, he hated the fact that she didn't even have on an expression of guilt, it made him angry!

"The moment she is able to stand.....send her to Eve's Barrettes"

"Father!" Both Bai Sheng and Say Chen looked at their father in horror...was hejust trying kill her?

"No one is to question my decisions!" With that said the was already walking out of the hall

"I'll go..." Anna said, she raised her head to look at the general "I'll do everything I can to repay you.....even though I can't bring your son back. I am forever indebted to him...I'll go"

The general nodded "Smart choice" he said before walking away.

"Anna do you know what you're doing? you think just anyone can survive Eve's barrettes ?" Bai Sheng held the girl's shoulders "I'll talk to're not going anywh....."

"If I die....I die!" Anna said interrupting Bai Sheng.

Su Chen shook his head and cupped the girl's face "You're going make Li Chen's death be in vain Anna"

Anna smiled at the both of them, that was the first emotion she had shown since the incident "Do you think I'm that weak?.....I can handle it!"

Bai Sheng and Su Chen knew they couldn't change her mind, they left the matter there and just prepared for their brother's burial.

Although, the one thing Bai Sheng feared, wasn't she dying, he knew Anna was strong. What he was most afraid of was being separated from her for 2 long years.

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