Anna Lu

40 I Am Your god!

Anna found herself panting heavily after cleaning for only a few minutes.

"Cleaning while sitting on a wheel chair is harder than I thought" she said to her self.

And that wasn't the only reason though,everything was just dirtier than it looked!

"Take care of this room my foot!" Anna said, it was obvious she was the one who left the room this way.....she didn't have any right to glare at her!

Anna realized she was getting angry over nothing and laughed at herself.

She still managed to clean the whole room in 3hours, she realized the room was more spacious than it seemed.

Anna looked at the revealing clothes she pulled out of the wardrobe, they weren't entirely revealing but, it was something she was sure to never wear in her whole entire life!

"She was bragging so much about her room" Anna scoffed before returning the clothes back and adding hers to the the wardrobe as well.

"Phew!" Anna wiped off sweat from her face before looking around the room, it looked much more better than before.

Anna smiled satisfied with the outcome and almost immediately her stomach growled.

"Aiii! I'm sweaty and hungry....." she complained rubbing her stomach, she hadn't really eaten any thing since she left the Duan residence or on the plane.

She didn't realise before because she was so immersed in cleaning.

"Anna...." Eve who was about to say something looked around the room in shock, she looked at the petite girl on the wheel chair and the ran to the window to check if anyone was hiding behind it

"You...did this yourself? all by yourself" Anna who still didn't know why the woman was surprised nodded "You gave me more than enough time to do it, Eve" Scarlet walked to the wardrobe and ran her finger through it, she raised her eyes brows and looked at Eve "It's clean!"

" are really skilled I mean....its all custom to add more dirt to the room a junior is going to stay in. It took Scarlet here a whole 8hours to clean this room on her own" Eve said smiling brightly, she looked excited?

Anna realized why they were both surprised, believe it or not, Eve' Barrettes is filled with nobles and by nobles I mean, women from rich and influential families.

So probably 90% of them have never held a broom or a rag before in their life, Eve knew who Anna's father was so, she felt that the girl would be as weak as they come and the most interesting part of all of this was that, she was on a wheel chair!

Anna didn't actually pay attention to them anymore as she stared at the photo frame

'Does her brother know she's here? Is he worried about her?' those questions kept her occupied so much that she didn't notice the person standingat the door.

"Ahem!" The lady in a white coat cleared her throat, bringing back everyone's attention to her

"Uh...who are you?" Anna asked, this wasn't a familiar face.

The woman smirked, her wrinkled eyes turned into crescents "I am your god from now on..."

"....." huh?

Anna stared at the middle aged woman who had a look of pride on her face.

"Don't flatter yourself Dr Joon " Eve said walking up to the woman and patting her shoulder.

She woman scoffed at Eve "Come on cousin, at least let me tell the truth" She said before putting all of her attention on Anna.

Examining the girl's legs the woman's anger flared

"They called me all the way from Korea for this?!" she said as she pointed and Anna's legs.

"Any physio could do this, why did your brother have to call me?" she groaned in annoyance.

"Enough of your complaining. Just tell me, how long will it take for Anna to be able to start training?" Eve rolled her eyes at the Dr Joon.

"En.....probably two months or three..."

"*cough*!" Anna chokes after hearing her words

"T...three months?" she couldn't help but ask, Jason told her that she would be able to walk in at least 6 months if she did her exercise daily and if she added more effort but yet this woman.....

'Definitely a quack!' Anna nodded inwardly.

She soon realized how wrong she was 2hours later...

"Don't go all soft on me now girl....we have no time for this!"

Anna felt both her insides and out drenched in sweat...what god?, she was clearly a demon! a big middle aged demon!

"But Jason said it will take a few months for me to be able to stand properly, I can't really do this...." Anna held the bars at her sides tightly. She couldn't stand like Dr Joon was asking her to rather, her legs were bent in a weird angle making it all the more painful.

"Aish! You are just like that handsome boy....what...what was that his name again?" Dr Joon easily forgot about the girl in pain and racked her brain to remember the boy's name.

"Aha! Bai Sheng!"

Anna fell to the ground with a thud!. She groaned in pain but her sounds only seemed to infuriate the woman.

Dr Joon took a deep breath and walked over to Anna's side.

"Do you want to be on that wheel chair all your life?" Dr Joon said pointing to the chair in the corner.

"Sure, it looks cool and it is sometime nice and relaxing to have people do things for you really what you want for yourself? to be a burden to other's? to never be able to have a family of your own or protect the people you love?"

Anna had tears in her eyes or maybe it was sweat but thinking back to Li Chen's cold body, the time she buried her mother alone, the time she found out about her real family, Xiao Xiao, her birth mom.....Bai Sheng.

"No!" Anna said gritting her teeth struggling to get up and try it again.

"I didn't hear you....what did you say?" Dr Joon pretended not to hear....she wanted to confirm something about this girl.

"No!" Anna screamed

"Are you sure?"


Dr Joon shook her head "I said are you sure? " her voice now higher than before

"Yes! I am certain!. I am sure!" Anna yelled at the top of her lungs.

Dr Joon finally found it she smiled and yelled at Anna "Then stand up! prove to the your enemies, prove to the world that youare no longer the girla wheel chair" Dr Joon helped Anna up and brought her lips closer to Anna's ears "Prove to them are Anna Lu!" With those words said she let go of Anna no longer supporting her.

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